The latest video from Real Food Liz TV is all about how to survive the holidays & stay healthy without going crap-food crazy!
But first, a confession: I don’t particularly like the movie Christmas Vacation. I mean, it’s ok. If you like Randy Quaid in a dickey. I’m just sayin’ – there are much more “classic” movies out there.
Wait, where are you going? Don’t leave!
I promise, this video is a must-watch for all those who stress about “making it through the holidays” without getting derailed, falling off the wagon, or eating (gasp!) sugar.
And remember, like Buddy the Elf said, the best way to spread Christmas cheer is by sharing Liz’s video for all to hear – er, watch.
Check it out, and let me know your thoughts (and your favorite holiday films!) in the comments!
The highlights:
- When you can, bring your own yummy refined-crap-free goodies! See my post don’t bring the vegetable loaf for ideas.
- When you’re out of your element and food selection is COMPLETELY out of your hands, you’ve got a few options that DON’T involve eating celery in the corner.
- Brush off Judgy McJudgersons – let people pick up on your confidence rather than enabling them to dig in to your vulnerability.
And for healthy “Happy Hour” and cocktail ideas, check out the book Paleo Happy Hour!
Thanks for reading & watching,
8 Responses
I love your tips, but the whole time I was thinking you need your own network TV show! So relatable and charming! I always eat before I go and bring some yummy snack in my purse that would make people jealous (or enough to share with everyone if I’m feeling generous). I always get more interested questions rather than judgmental comments because I talk openly about Paleo and how much it has helped me. Usually at least 2 or 3 people say “Oh I wonder if my sister with Crohns should…” Or “I have stomach issues. Do you think it will help?” Great tip on coming across confident because no one seeks help from the oddball munching on celery sticks and pretending to be happy about it.
Haha – aww, thank you Alaena! And it sounds like you hang out with the right people. I’ve had similar experiences. People always want to know more! Yet I hear so many horror stories from others…
I love Christmas Vacation
So does my husband, Maggie! I’m outnumbered!
Totally unrelated but is that a signed Derrick Johnson ball on your shelf? Happy Holidays!
YES Nate! Haha – I love that you noticed!
Thankyou thankyou thankyou liz!! Love the reference to the kids table. I totally should have used that on my brother a few weeks ago when he said to me “can’t you just eat normal!” Man People suck!! Anyways love your work/podcasts and hopefully I get eat the yolks for Xmas… I emailed my list to hubby.
I love your take-outs! The last time I went to a gathering, I brought a fruit tray and a real food dish, both of which were a favorite. I try to bring something “safe” for me, and plenty to share.