Update: just found this post from Grass Fed Girl all about awesome Nashville food spots!
I got to hang out in Nashville for a few days recently, which was the best thing that ever happened to me for several reasons:
- Everyone is so ridiculously nice, I almost think they may also be picking my pocket.
- I got to listen to great music.
- I got to eat at Silo. Twice.
- I learned that Jack & Ginger are not famous people. But they do make me feel like happy times. Until the next morning, when I feel like crappy times.
- I spent the weekend with my sweetie who I hadn’t seen in precisely forever-and-a-day.
Maybe I’ve been “back east” for far too long, where we all tolerate love each other but we definitely don’t have time to ask – or discuss – things like how y’all doin’ today or where y’all from or well let me stop my entire day to give you a list of why I think you’re special.
It’s a different pace is all I’m sayin’ – and really lovely. I felt like I bonded with every single person I met – everyone from business contacts to restaurant servers. (One of whom had just finished a 21-Day Sugar Detox. Random!)
So here’s some of what I ate at Silo (since the photo has been lost in the internet/blog-migrating abyss):
Charcuterie plate: Pig heart, chicken liver soufflé, and something crab-cake-shaped with pork and pork fat. Add bonus deviled eggs, 3 ways. And then I was happy.
Of course we also went to the Grand Ole Opry. I brought PaleoKits, which didn’t help the Kettle Corn seem less tempting. What DID help me lose my appetite was the constant stream of commercials for Depends and low-testosterone testing after, before, and during every half-song. Brought to you by Dollar General. #GrandOleDisappointment
Fortunately, even commercials for adult diapers seem like music when I’m sitting next to my honey pie face.
We also went – or, attempted to go – to the Bluebird Café, which some folks may recognize from the show Nashville. (Edit: *I* first heard about the Bluebird from Nashville. But it’s been around – and awesome – for much longer than Hayden Pan-a-the-kid-from-Remember-The-Titans has been on TV.)
Apparently other people have heard about the show place too, so we weren’t able to get in. But we did take a picture to prove we were in the parking lot.
And you know I’m not making it up or stealing this pic from the interwebs, because my PaleoKit is in it. (This PaleoKit is basically my Flat Stanley.) We rocked out to the music at 3rd & Lindsley instead.
My favorite part of any trip is finding a great place to eat breakfast. We enjoyed omelettes, hash, and hand-cuddles (in that order) at West End. Yes, that is cheese in my Omelette. It melds perfectly with the cheese in my hand-holding heart <3
Thanks Nashville!
18 Responses
So glad you got to see your man! The military can be so silly sometimes, taking them away, but I’m glad you’re enjoying all of the good that comes with the hard stuff. Keep up the great work, Liz, and keep being such an encouragement to all us other military wives out there 🙂
Erin, I love your blog, and thank YOU for what you do! I especially like that you’ve got Cassandra Forsythe on your sidebar 🙂 She was the first to inspire me to lift!
My husband has been in the South for training since Christmas, and it’s funny because it’s almost been harder than a deployment…maybe because he’s so close, yet so far? We were lucky to have business that brought us both to Nashville for the weekend. Seeing him definitely recharged me for the rest of his absence. I’m super grateful!
I live in Nashville (well just south of it, but close enough to claim it), and the trick to getting in to Bluebird is to call that afternoon and ask if there have been any reservation cancellations. Since the reservations fill up fast and it’s hard to know when you will actually be able to go, this is the method that most use…unless you can make your reservation weeks/months in advance. And it’s not just because Bluebird is featured on the show. It has always been kind of hard to get in to…it’s just that cool of a place. The good news is that you can go hear good music all over Nashville. There are lots of want-to-be singers here. Next time you are in town, you should see if there are any concerts at the Ryman! Way better than the Grand Ol’ Opry, and it has way more history.
Next time you are in the area, drive south a bit on 65 and come visit Franklin. Great shopping and great restaurants!
We loved Nashville so much, the small taste we got of it! We definitely plan to return and do it “better” the next time, when we have even more time for pleasure! (There was business involved with this trip too.) I will definitely take your advice! Thanks Rebecca!
I love Nashville! When my parents come to visit me in KY on their biannual trips, we always go to Nashville for a weekend. I’m interested in trying the restaurants you mentioned, but Silo looks pretty pricey. Was it bad?
It actually wasn’t TOO bad – I think the apps were between $5 & $12, though they were small. The oxtail my husband had was unbelievable. The atmosphere was good and the service really friendly (maybe that’s just Nashville!) I’d say it was worth it!
Is Parks & Rec filmed in Nashville? Did I just miss this connection? 🙂
“I’m gonna get 12 eggs and a piece of dead aniaml-dealers choice, please and thank you.” My favorite Ron Swanson quote to date.
PaleoKits FTW!
Nope, just the dance party/hangover connection. Brutal!
I live in the Nashville area & am glad you found it Paleo friendly! We have a little shop by our house that sells local produce & grass-fed meats. I never heard of Silo, but now have a new restaurant to try! Another place to try when you return to Nashville is Burger Up: http://www.burger-up.com/gallery.html.
I’d be glad to prepare you a home-cooked Paleo meal, too. I hope someday you’ll do a seminar in Nashville, I’ll be the first to sign-up. I’ve been drinking apple-cider vinegar for my skin & it’s made a huge improvement, thank you! I just bought some jojoba oil to start oil cleansing, too.
I agree on the Grand Ole Opry. It’s for an older crowd. My out-of-town guests always want to go to say they’ve been there, but once is enough, unless there’s a special show.
I also think Nashvillian’s are the friendliest people in the world! I am a native Minnesotan, and got South as soon as I could!!!!
You are too sweet! I will definitely sound the alarm the next time I head to Nashville so we can make these things happen! Diane and I may one day come back to the South, but unfortunately our run of seminars is over for the foreseeable future…I am taking at least 6 months to work on a few things I’ve neglected, including writing and of course my sweet husband and family 🙂 We’re moving really soon (military) and, since my hubby has been holding down the fort and supporting me through the last several years of travel, I’m going to take some time to stay closer to home for awhile! That said, the husband and I definitely plan on coming back to Nashville for pleasure – it was awesome!
I am so glad to hear you are seeing improvement with the ACV! Keep in touch on the OCM.
Yay! It’s a date! I have learned to much from your posts & podcasts, that I feel as if we’re friends. 😉
My dad is retired military, so I know the life, too. I also ordered some Aztec clay & can’t wait to try it. I have actually been getting compliments on my glowing, clear skin & that has NEVER happened in my life. Yay again! –Jenny
Triple yay! I may have to share that quote on the facebook pages 🙂 SO wonderful to hear! One day maybe we’ll compare skin care tricks in person 🙂
I thank your dad for his service…I’m in awe of my parents’ and grandparents’ service generations.
Hi Liz! It’s fun to see what you eat when you’re traveling. I’ve heard you talk about organ meats on the podcast and I’m intrigued, but haven’t quite built up the confidence to try preparing them. Maybe it would be best to start by trying them at a restaurant. 🙂 Nashville sounds like a lovely town.
I also recommend giving something like liverwurst or braunschweiger a try to start 🙂
I’m so glad you enjoyed Nashville! I love living here- I’m a Michigan girl but I’ve been here 15 years. It keeps getting more cool and the restaurants keep getting better!
I’ve been wanting to try Silo for awhile- now I’ll def. have to make it over there 🙂 I second the Burger Up recommendation- they’re right up the street from me, so I eat there a fair amount.
I also would love it if you’d do a seminar here- I’m seeing from the comments that there are more Paleo people in Nashville than I realized! The other day, I was talking to a chef about doing a crustless quiche and mentioned I ate Paleo and she commented that her roommate was also Paleo. I guess we’re coming out of the woodwork down here 😉
I’ve been wanting to plan a trip to Nashville! We were going to venture out that way for a friend’s bachelorette party but decided on Austin instead. Glad you and CH fun, then hangovers (not that I’m glad about that part…), then cheesy hand-holding. Saving this blog post for when I do get a chance to go!
Just found this post, sis! Check it out! http://www.grassfedgirl.com/paleo-and-gluten-free-restaurants-in-nashville-tn/
Hey Liz! I live in Nashville, it’s great to hear you had a fun trip and found some great eats! I agree with some of the other ladies on their food recommendations next time you take a trip here; Burger Up, The Pharmacy, Rolf & Daughters, Holland House (occasionally uses “non” mainstream meats like rabbit, liver, etc.).
Hope you come back to visit! It’d be neat if there could be a meet up for everyone 🙂