1. What’s new for you from Diane & Liz [1:49}
2. Shout Out: Bill and Hayley for Make it Paleo 2 [7:32]
3. This week in the Paleosphere: Chipotle’s Carnitas shortage [12:13]
Listener Questions
4. Looking for a specific past episode of the podcast [23:24]
5. Substituting coconut oil while cooking [27:31]
6. Tips for first time crossfitters [31:26]
7. I bought some red palm oil; what do I do with it? [43:53]
8. My bulletproof coffee is always oily, do I have to drink it? [50:02]
9. When the 21-Day Sugar Detox isn’t right for you [53:52]
10. Diane’s Kitchen tip: Do meat and eggs need to be at room temperature before you cook them? [1:01:56]
11. Liz’s homestead tip of the week: Get nipples [1:05:37]
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Liz Wolfe: Hey everyone! Liz here, Diane there.
Diane Sanfilippo: Hey.
Liz Wolfe: Welcome to episode 175 of the Balanced Bites podcast. This week, we’ve got some awesome topics in store for you all, from a little Chipotle talk, and tips for first time Crossfitters, bulletproof coffee, and more.
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1. What’s new for you from Diane & Liz [1:49]
Liz Wolfe: So, Diane. What’s going on with you? What’s happening in Diane land?
Diane Sanfilippo: {laughs} In New Jersey, where it’s freezing.
Liz Wolfe: That would be a fun amusement park.
Diane Sanfilippo: {laughs} Dianeland?
Liz Wolfe: Yeah.
Diane Sanfilippo: What would Dianeland be made of?
Liz Wolfe: You would have an explosion of rainbows out of your brain.
Diane Sanfilippo: And bacon.
Liz Wolfe: Ideas, and bacon!
Diane Sanfilippo: Ideas and bacon mostly. Let’s see, so I think, I’m always trying to figure out when we’re recording and when these episodes are going live. As of the time this recording will air, I will be in Park City; no. I’ll be in Salt Lake City {laughs} Friday the 23rd, so that’s tomorrow if you’re listening live. That’s at 7 p.m. at Sugar House Barnes and Noble. Come join me there, it will be a really fun time. I think we’re going to have a really nice group of folks there, so that will be fun.
And then I’ll be at Sundance. So if you’re at Sundance Film Festival, and you think you see me {laughs} with my sunglasses and fuzzy hat and Uggs or something, and you’re like, is it her or is it Zoey Deschanel, it’s me!
Liz Wolfe: {laughs}
Diane Sanfilippo: {laughing} Just kidding.
Liz Wolfe: She’s pregnant, did you hear? Zoey.
Diane Sanfilippo: Oh gosh, so then you can’t confuse us.
Liz Wolfe: She’s such a copy cat.
Diane Sanfilippo: {laughs} She’s copying you?
Liz Wolfe: Yeah.
Diane Sanfilippo: Oh, so are we going to have to watch New Girl where they’re trying to hide the bump? Eyeroll. Like we can’t tell that someone has a bump.
Liz Wolfe: I don’t think so. I think it will be, I think it’s timed well. It appears to me that it’s timed well.
Diane Sanfilippo: Ok.
Liz Wolfe: Did you watch last night, by the way?
Diane Sanfilippo: I didn’t. Ugh.
Liz Wolfe: Ok. I won’t say anything then.
Diane Sanfilippo: I’ll have to watch it.
Liz Wolfe: Sigh. What else? What else is going on?
Diane Sanfilippo: That’s really it. I mean, so many things going on, but I think that’s all I have to update people on for now. What about you? What’s new with you?
Liz Wolfe: I don’t know, I forgot to think about that before we got on.
Diane Sanfilippo: {laughs}
Liz Wolfe: Shoot, man.
Diane Sanfilippo: What about the baby program?
Liz Wolfe: That, I mean, that’s a little ways off. You can go to and enter your email in there to get updates, but what I’ve been working on with Meg the midwife is to get together some good fertility tips and some basic questions that we both get a lot to patch in to the Balanced Bites podcast while I’m on maternity leave, which I’m thinking about calling baby break.
Diane Sanfilippo: {laughs}
Liz Wolfe: Just because it’s… but then. It’s kind of like the store Bye Bye Baby, which I refuse to go into, because it just sounds like weirdly terribly.
Diane Sanfilippo: Like you’re going to buy babies? It sounds like you’re going to buy babies.
Liz Wolfe: You’re either going to buy a baby, or you’re going to leave your baby there, like, bye, bye, baby!
Diane Sanfilippo: {laughing}
Liz Wolfe: I’m sick of you.
Diane Sanfilippo: That sounds good.
Liz Wolfe: Yeah, something like that. So I’m uncomfortable with that. I need a creative name for maternity leave, because maternity leave sounds stupid.
Diane Sanfilippo: {laughs} Ok, well, I’m not sure I approve this maternity leave, because.
Liz Wolfe: Yeah.
Diane Sanfilippo: I’m kind of bummed out that you won’t be with me. But I think we’ll be able to…
Liz Wolfe: I forged your signature on my official Balanced Bites podcast maternity leave documentation.
Diane Sanfilippo: {laughing} That’s amazing. I’m going to check with my project manager on that one, and verify that.
Liz Wolfe: {laughs}
Diane Sanfilippo: No, it will be good. We’ll have some tips from you spliced in, and I’m sure I’ll be able to rope you in at some point while you’re on the break, or we’re going to have a bunch of episodes I think stockpiled so folks won’t miss you too much and we’ll get a bunch of awesome guests. I’ll probably get a guest co-host, so that will be really fun too, to just have a little change of pace for a bit.
Liz Wolfe: Yeah.
Diane Sanfilippo: And then I’ll be happy to have you back when you’re ready.
Liz Wolfe: And then they can miss me.
Diane Sanfilippo: And then we’ll hear you and cooing.
Liz Wolfe: And we can see each other less, and miss each other more. Yeah, I’m going to have the boob out, I’ll be all of that stuff when I get back.
Diane Sanfilippo: {laughs}
Liz Wolfe: We haven’t decided yet if we’re going to do a live feed from the delivery room, but I’m thinking no.
Diane Sanfilippo: {laughing} Thank you?
Liz Wolfe: {laughing} We went to birthing class night, oh man. Oh man.
Diane Sanfilippo: {laughing}
Liz Wolfe: I mean, what a world. What a state the world of fertility and maternity is. I’m just really excited to do Baby Making and Beyond. I don’t know, maybe even license it to midwifery clinics, holistic birth centers, things like that, because there are just not a lot of materials available to forward thinking practitioners, if I may say that.
Diane Sanfilippo: I know a bunch of women, there were some in my nutrition consulting class many years ago, at least one, who was a midwife, and she probably has a bunch of midwife friends who would totally be into that. Very into the holistic approach. Yeah, we can share it around to lots of people. It’ll be great.
Liz Wolfe: That’s awesome. And a couple of folks have reached out. I’ve also been put in contact with, you put me in contact, actually, with, gosh, I’m going to give the Instagram handle, Rosie the Reviver.
Diane Sanfilippo: Mm-hmm.
Liz Wolfe: And she is fabulous. We’ve had some people reach out; there’s a midwife, I believe, that I met in Chicago. I mean, we’ve had people reach out, like, hey if there’s anything that you need or that we can do to contribute to the program, please let me know. That’s really exciting to me, that’s awesome. And I think, I’m trying to figure out a way that people could kind of jump on and be a part of, at the very least, the launch. I mean, you have those summits and stuff like that where they provide all these interviews and videos with people. Maybe there’s room for folks to share their expertise that way, and kind of push out, roll out a whole big bonus package of all kinds of different experts putting their 2 cents in. I think that would be really neat, in addition to the core curriculum. It’s going to be really cool, and it’s going to be really collaborative, not just between myself and Meg, but the whole community really, I think.
Diane Sanfilippo: Yay. It’s needed. It’s very needed.
Liz Wolfe: Yeah.
2. Shout Out: Bill and Hayley for Make it Paleo 2 [7:32]
Liz Wolfe: Alright, so we have a little shout out for our friends, Bill and Hayley, of the Food Lovers, for Make it Paleo 2.
Diane Sanfilippo: {laughs} which was jokingly called, before it was officially titled, was called Make it Paleo-er. {laughing}
Liz Wolfe: {laughs}
Diane Sanfilippo: Make it Paleo-er. Yeah, I’m so excited for them and really proud of them. These two have cranked out 4 books since this whole thing started. I think their first book came out, I want to say it was October 2011, and that was the second time I ever spent time with them. When I first met them was, I think it was July or August of that same year. We didn’t get to meet, you and I, at the AHS ditty.
Liz Wolfe: Nu-huh.
Diane Sanfilippo: Out in LA, that’s when I first met Bill and Hayley. I remember, you were trying to get out there, and I think your flight got canceled, or something crazy happened.
Liz Wolfe: It got canceled, and then I gave up. {laughs}
Diane Sanfilippo: {laughs} And then you were like, meh, ok thanks bye.
Liz Wolfe: Philly to Los Angeles, I don’t think so.
Diane Sanfilippo: So the first time I met them was July or August 2011, and their book came out just a few months later, and I went down to Pittsburg to help them celebrate that, and that was really fun. It was kind of my first bonding with them as friends, and after hanging out with them, working on Practical Paleo, if folks don’t know, Bill Staley actually shot all the pictures for that. Hayley shot a handful of them, as well, and just kind of helped out with all of that on the recipes.
So, I know what they put into their work, into their recipes, into the photos, and if you guys have loved all the cookbooks that have come out so far, literally, every time these two put out a book, it’s like, ok everybody, go back to the drawing board.
Liz Wolfe: Yep.
Diane Sanfilippo: Forget what you were doing, because now it’s pretty much mediocre. {laughs} Because they just up the game. A couple of things that I love about the book; I don’t have one in my hands, but I got to see just kind of a quick preview of the content before it went to print because I got to give a little quote for the cover there. It’s pretty full of nutrient dense recipes, so I know that Hayley’s sister, Caitlin, she works as a professional chef in some capacity, I can’t remember exactly if she’s a sous chef, or what type of job she has right now.
Liz Wolfe: I thought it was sushi, but you know, sous, sushi. {laughs}
Diane Sanfilippo: Yeah, and I don’t know if she still does that now. I know she was doing it for a while, so they’re creating broths with kombu and different types of nutrient dense recipes that we haven’t really seen a lot in paleo. We’ve definitely seen a ton of just super simple stuff, and what they do is always simple from the perspective of, not overcomplicating the ingredients, not overcomplicating the steps, but really kind of taking people’s skill level from, just incorporating one or two new ingredients that are really special, or one or two techniques that people can learn. I know they have a hand pie recipe, maybe an empanada and then also a sweet one. Things like that where, once you’ve gone through so many of these other paleo cookbooks, my own included, it’s just, you’re ready for something different, and they’ve really kind of stepped it up. They’ve got a few food projects in there as well, so things like making your own ginger beer, I think, and a couple of other goodies.
Anyway, I’m really excited. I can’t wait to get a copy and see it. Hopefully that will be coming over here pretty soon. So, we just wanted to shout out to them and say congratulations, we’re really excited for you guys on your second in that Make it Paleo series, and everyone should go check it out. It’s available for preorder on Amazon now, and I believe it releases February 17th, so it’s a perfect Valentine’s Day gift.
Liz Wolfe: Yes!
Diane Sanfilippo: And, I can predict things pretty well, it’s possible that they might have some kind of card or something if you wanted to give it to somebody for Valentine’s day, that could be like, hey, can I print out this little card that says it’s coming in two days? {laughs}
Liz Wolfe: Aw!
Diane Sanfilippo: They’ll probably do something cool like that. If not, you could probably nudge Bill and ask him to, and he would whip it up in about 30 seconds for you.
Liz Wolfe: Love it.
Diane Sanfilippo: Yeah, great gift for Valentine’s Day.
Liz Wolfe: Support for this podcast is provided by Dragonfly Traditions. Natural, nourishing skin care with absolutely no unnecessary chemicals. It’s natural nutrition for the skin. I am a huge fan of Dragonfly from their serum, to their night cream, and everything else the owner, Phoebe, has created. Your skin will be soft and happy with Dragonfly Traditions. If you head over to and make a purchase of one or more of their skin care products, you can then add Balanced Bites to your shopping cart for 1 penny, Phoebe will not only send you 2 free lip balms with your order, she’ll also send you that penny back. Remember that’s 2 free lip balms with purchase from Dragonfly Traditions.
3. This week in the Paleosphere: Chipotle’s carnita shortage [12:13]
Liz Wolfe: Alright, so, this week, maybe by the time this airs it’s probably circulated a bit, so it may be more like last week in the Paleosphere.
Diane Sanfilippo: {laughing} I feel like we should say that every week. ‘And last week …’
Liz Wolfe: In the recent weeks {laughs} in the paleosphere.
Diane Sanfilippo: If you haven’t logged into the internet.
Liz Wolfe: {laughing} Oh man. Remember the days when you rushed into the house and change yourself to the desktop, and logged into prodigy?
Diane Sanfilippo: {laughs}
Liz Wolfe: The world was better with a lot less internet.
Diane Sanfilippo: Or Unix, Linux green screen thing, and it was like Something weird like that.
Liz Wolfe: That’s a little ahead of my time.
Diane Sanfilippo: Oh yeah, I’m a handful of years older that you.
Liz Wolfe: We had LotusWorks.
Diane Sanfilippo: We were logging into mainframe screens to check our email, and it was janky! {laughs}
Liz Wolfe: I miss the days when people couldn’t just screenshot my picture and write mean things across my face. No, that’s Perez Hilton. Never mind.
Diane Sanfilippo: I do that all the time.
Liz Wolfe: I know you do. You’re so mean! Alright, so, last week in the Paleosphere. Chipotle has stopped serving pork at hundreds of restaurants, because they discovered during a routine inspection that the conditions in which the pigs were raised was not up to their standards. Personally, I think a lot of folks know that the carnitas, which is the shredded pork at Chipotle, is the safe meat, not necessarily because it’s pasture raised and comes from that happy pig that’s been obnoxious in my back pasture forever, but it’s because it doesn’t have soybean oil in it.
So I don’t know if people have been ordering the carnitas because they think it’s pasture raised; I think Chipotle does hold their meat producers and their dairy producers to a higher standard, which is great. But to this point, I don’t entirely know what that standard is, so I thought we should talk about Chipotle a little bit today.
Diane Sanfilippo: Can I tell you something {laughs} whenever I see the word Chipotle, I have to think of the way my mom says it, which is chip-poodle.
Liz Wolfe: {laughing}
Diane Sanfilippo: {laughs} Chip-poodley-doodley. She can’t..
Liz Wolfe: Chip-poodle?
Diane Sanfilippo: I think she does it…
Liz Wolfe: Not even chip-otle. Chip-poodle.
Diane Sanfilippo: She says chip-poodle. I think she says it right now, because I was like, mom.
Liz Wolfe: Marge.
Diane Sanfilippo: {laughs} She has a thing for saying the words wrong, like Tommy Hil-finger.
Liz Wolfe: {laughing}
Diane Sanfilippo: And Chip-poodle. And I was like, mom, it’s Chipotle.
Liz Wolfe: Ambercrombie and Finch?
Diane Sanfilippo: Yeah, something like that. Exactly. Anyway, so, chip-poodle.
Liz Wolfe: Well, a lot of people say chip-olte.
Diane Sanfilippo: Oh yeah, also incorrect.
Liz Wolfe: Yeah. {laughs} Also incorrect. Yes, it is. Do you eat there very often?
Diane Sanfilippo: I wouldn’t say very often, but if anybody knows northeastern New Jersey and the options for paleo dining out, it’s pretty darn limited. So we do eat there, I’m going to say, I don’t know, once a month. Definitely more often if I’m kind of in a crunch time for book editing and I’m not cooking as much, or right before we went on vacation we had it and then we had it again when we got back a couple of weeks later, just because there wasn’t food in the house and we were trying not to buy groceries. So, a little more often like that.
We pretty much get a salad bowl with meat. Sometimes we’ll get white rice, or Scott will get a little bit more white rice, and then I’ve stayed away from the fajita veggies just because I know they are cooked in soybean oil.
Liz Wolfe: Mm-hmm.
Diane Sanfilippo: I usually do some type of meat that’s cooked in the oil, but I just kind of try and limit my exposure there, so I end up doing a meat and then salsa and guac and that’s it. So what’s the scoop on all of that; is there something crazy about their guacamole?
Liz Wolfe: Well, this is just a question that I’ve had in my head for a really, really long time.
Diane Sanfilippo: Is there crack in their guacamole?
Liz Wolfe: Yeah, what is it? Alright, I love Chipotle. I think it’s a great option for people who are trying to avoid bread and a huge hit of industrial who knows what it is and trans fats and all that, but you kind of run into land mines. I think if you’re trying to be perfect, which in my opinion; I go out to eat, I’m making some concessions.
Diane Sanfilippo: Good luck!
Liz Wolfe: Yes. And at most places I choose to go, it’s worth it. So for example, for me, it’s kind of more important to me that I know how my meat was raised and where it came from just based on my experiences out here. So, I get a little bit more picky about that. So I usually do something vegetarian at Chipotle instead of eating any of the meat.
Diane Sanfilippo: Wait, what?
Liz Wolfe: Like, I don’t do the meat at Chipotle.
Diane Sanfilippo: I’m sorry. What?
Liz Wolfe: I know. I know.
Diane Sanfilippo: We are not friends. {laughs} I’m just kidding.
Liz Wolfe: But I do all the other stuff. I’ll do sour cream and cheese, and it’s so…
Diane Sanfilippo: Well, I can’t eat that stuff, so that’s not an option for me.
Liz Wolfe: Right. And I do the veggies, too, and I do fine with that.
Diane Sanfilippo: Ok. So your food ends up being more of a high fat,
Liz Wolfe: Yes.
Diane Sanfilippo: Pretty moderate maybe higher carb, lower protein for that meal.
Liz Wolfe: Pretty much.
Diane Sanfilippo: Do you do rice and beans, or?
Liz Wolfe: Yeah, I do. People are going to judge me for that. I had somebody on Instagram kind of upset about the fact that I do dairy. {laughs} Which, by the way, I have a “is dairy paleo?” post on my blog, which is, of course not a yes or no answer. So yeah, I’ll do the rice, the beans, and I’ll do what? I’ll do the fajita veggies, I’ll do fine with that. Usually seed oils will really bother me, for some reason these don’t. And then the different veggie options, the pico and all that stuff, sour cream, cheese, and a big thing of guac. But I also think about, what the heck is in that guacamole that it stays so bright green.
Diane Sanfilippo: Oh, they just make it fresh all the time.
Liz Wolfe: Are you sure?
Diane Sanfilippo: Yeah, I’m totally sure. They make it fresh, like consistently they’re making new batches of it.
Liz Wolfe: It just goes that fast.
Diane Sanfilippo: Yeah, and it’s pretty loaded with citrus, which is going to keep it from turning. I mean, I can tell the texture of premade or blended with something else guac. It doesn’t have that chunky texture, it has almost a too smooth, but somehow gritty, weird texture.
Liz Wolfe: Yeah, like wholly guacamole, totally.
Diane Sanfilippo: Fake guacamole, yes. So, their guacamole is real. That’s why it costs so much.
Liz Wolfe: Ok.
Diane Sanfilippo: Because avocado is not cheap. And to be honest, it is annoying to pay more for it when you don’t get so many of the other toppings; like I’m not doing sour cream, I’m not doing cheese, I’m kind of like, can you throw me a bone, and give me a little bit of that guac?
Liz Wolfe: {laughs}
Diane Sanfilippo: But they do give you, I mean, I want to say you’re getting probably more than a whole avocado’s worth of guacamole.
Liz Wolfe: Yeah!
Diane Sanfilippo: It might be one and a half, or at least a whole avocado’s worth, I would say.
Liz Wolfe: It’s got to be.
Diane Sanfilippo: It’s a legit source of calories and fat there.
Liz Wolfe: Alright, well that’s good enough for me. When I go to Chipotle, though, it’s pretty rarely. If I was going more frequently, like if it was the only choice I had, I’d probably switch up what I get a little bit more. But that’s kind of my treat, my dairy and rice explosion.
Diane Sanfilippo: It’s definitely one of our go-to’s when we’re touring, and an event goes until 9 or it maybe seeps over to 9:30, quarter to 10, so we end up at Chipotle literally at 9:50, we run in, like, ‘sorry, we know you’re closing in 10 minutes, don’t worry we know what we want, and we’ll be quick about it.’ But they won’t kick you out. So yeah, we’ve definitely gone there a few times. It’s no big deal, I feel alright eating it. So decent stuff.
I don’t know, was there anything else about the pork or about any of the meat? I think if people are worried about whether or not it’s perfect paleo, or the type of meat, and all of that, I do think that I feel pretty confident supporting their business and that they’re trying to support farmers who have some better standards. It’s definitely not you’re conventionally raised CAFO meat. Even though it’s maybe not 100% grass-fed, or 100% perfectly pastured, etc. So I don’t know.
Liz Wolfe: I do think that they do what they can.
Diane Sanfilippo: To stop selling pork because someone is not meeting the standards?
Liz Wolfe: That’s something.
Diane Sanfilippo: That’s one of those things where it’s like, when everybody thinks that the choices they make every day make a huge difference in the economy of pork, for example; no. Great, support your local farmer; if you can find anything locally, you’re doing well and it’s great for your health, and your budget, and all that good stuff. It’s great to support those farmers. But this type of decision is what moves the needle on what’s happening out there. You know what I mean?
Liz Wolfe: Mm-hmm.
Diane Sanfilippo: This is huge, it’s a huge impact on the supply and demand if a chain like Chipotle says, we’re not buying this. You know what I mean? That makes a really big difference. So I think that makes it a good thing, for sure.
Liz Wolfe: And maybe it will get some of those people to get real angry when exactly what they want isn’t available exactly when they want it, because they feel like they have a right to it when they walk into the restaurant. Maybe those folks will start to understand {laughs} that food comes from somewhere.
Diane Sanfilippo: Yep.
Liz Wolfe: And we just can’t expect this constantly uniform, constantly available food system. I drive by 6 PriceChoppers on the way to the city to record podcasts, and it’s like, are we that blessed in our middle class area that we have that many stores to choose from? That’s insane.
And of course, we have this whole problem of inequity, and there’s food deserts, and all that stuff, which was what when I was working with Steve’s Club, they were really talking about getting these kids access to really good fresh food, and that’s a whole nother topic. But the fact is, food is not a uniform system. And to expect it to be a uniform system is really delusional, but also damaging. So, even at this point, it is probably pretty much impossible for Chipotle to ever source 100% of its pork from perfectly pastured dirt hogs, like we get out here.
Diane Sanfilippo: Right.
Liz Wolfe: It’s just not possible. I don’t know where I was going with that. But it is interesting that at least they’re driving the conversation a little bit more. I was encouraged by it. A lot of people are kind of pooh-poohing it, but I thought it was interesting.
Liz Wolfe: We’d like to thank Vital Choice for supporting our podcast today, and we encourage you to visit their online store at You’ll find an amazing array of some of the world’s best seafood, including wild Alaskan salmon, halibut, tuna and cod, as well as sustainably harvested shellfish. They’re not only delicious, but vital choices for your health. You’ll also find grass-fed organic Wagyu beef, live fermented foods to promote gut health, wild organic blueberries, and dark organic chocolates. Eat better, think better, and feel better with deeply nourishing foods from Vital Choice. They’re offering our listeners 15% off any order using code BALANCEDBITES. Remember that orders of $99 or more ship free.
Listener Questions
4. Looking for a specific past episode of the podcast [23:24]
Liz Wolfe: Alright, on to questions?
Diane Sanfilippo: Questions, yes.
Liz Wolfe: “Qvestions”. Alright, this one I wanted to throw in just about a past episode, because I was actually trying to find this episode too.
Diane Sanfilippo: {laughs}
Liz Wolfe: And I know there was one that you did an interview with, I believe, an accounting person, I can’t remember if I was on it or not. So we just thought we’d get this one out of the way. Jen says, “I have a question about a past episode. Didn’t you do an episode very early on that was all about education with at least one guest, and you even talked about accounting issues? Does this sound right? I’m trying to find it so I can listen again.” And in honor of all the work you’re doing on Build a Badass Business, I thought maybe you’d want to shout this one out again.
Diane Sanfilippo: Definitely. So I just did a little searchy search through the archives. So, before I tell you guys this episode, just a heads up, on, if you scroll over podcasts in the navigation, you can see where to find show notes and transcripts for every episode, but below that, you will find the archives by topic. So if you’re looking for business discussion, or anything like that, you can do a little; I don’t know how it works on a PC, I don’t speak PC, I only speak Mac, I’m sorry. If you hit command F just while you’re looking at the screen, and just do a little search or find on that screen for business, you’ll see all the times that the word pops up on the screen.
You can also do an archive search by episode. So it’s not an additional search function within my website, although you can search the site and just type in podcast business, accounting, whatever words you want to put in there. But I think just searching the archive page by topic is a really powerful way to find what you’re looking for.
Also, the shows are collected up by topic, so if you go in there and you look under, for example, nutrition coaching or education, you’ll see a bunch of different episodes where we’ve talked about it and the general gist of whatever that question was. So I think folks maybe aren’t aware that that exists, so definitely check that out on
Anywho; the episode she is referring to is #92. It was with Jessica Mishra, who is a really good friend of mine who lives in San Francisco, and she started a program that was called Simplify and Organize Your Finances. So if somebody is looking for help with taxes and all that good stuff, I believe she’s also taking one on one clients now. She’s a CPA, certified public accountant. She is able to help people. She’s based in California, so, it doesn’t really matter. They’re trained in how to handle things across different states, but you can definitely check out her information. I want to say; I want to remember what her new business entity is, but I know her main website is You can check that out. I’m sure there’s info on how to get in touch with her if you wanted help with your business stuff.
That was that one. Was there another question in there? That was the episode. We’ve talked with a bunch of other folks about nutrition coaching, and we’ve talked, you and I, on multiple episodes, I think. I’m going to actually search that page myself. Nutrition career advice is what it’s listed under on the podcast topics archive, and it looks like there’s over 10 different questions that we’ve answered on it over the course of maybe 6-8 different episodes. So, you can check all those out. You can also just click and link over to the transcript, and read the specific question that you’re looking for. All kinds of good resources for you guys.
Liz Wolfe: 175 episodes.
Diane Sanfilippo: I can’t even, I can’t even believe that.
Liz Wolfe: 200…
Diane Sanfilippo: How are we still friends.
Liz Wolfe: and 50 big ones. I don’t know.
Diane Sanfilippo: {laughs}
Liz Wolfe: But its working out for me, I can tell you that. Alright. You gave me a turbie twist!
Diane Sanfilippo: {laughing} I did give you a turbie twist!
Liz Wolfe: I mean, hello.
Diane Sanfilippo: If that’s not the ultimate, let’s be friends gift, I don’t know what is.
5. Substituting coconut oil while cooking [27:31]
Liz Wolfe: I don’t know what is. My goodness. Alright, this one is from Kristen. “I don’t love the taste of cooked coconut oil. I love the way it smells before I cook it, but after cooking I can’t stand the taste on my food. So, is subbing with butter or bacon fat for most recipes ok?”
I threw this one in here, because I think we’ve talked about this before, but maybe we can kind of give a really direct answer for what type of saturated fat is optimal just for cooking across the board. And given that we have actually an option for coconut oil that is steam deodorized from Tropical Traditions, I tend to steer people that way. Because I just really like the idea of cooking with the more highly saturated fats. The coconut oil, the ghee. I like the butter and bacon fat thing, but I do think it’s best to cook that at a little bit of a lower temperature. I don’t know how you feel about that, but especially with bacon fat, people tend to just save it and cook with it over and over and over again. You do kind of elevate the risk of oxidation when you do that.
Tropical Traditions does have a steamed, deodorized coconut oil. I don’t know, if you look at the listing for it at Tropical Traditions, it should say something about the coconut smell being lifted.
Diane Sanfilippo: Yeah. I know we talked about that one pretty recently, too. Her question in short is just, is it ok to sub those? Yeah, it definitely is ok to sub them in. If your baking its different. So, the texture of the different types of fats will change the texture of your results when you’re baking, which is why I don’t bake, because it’s just way too complicated for me.
Liz Wolfe: {laughs}
Diane Sanfilippo: But, you can absolutely use. I think throughout Practical Paleo, I said either butter or coconut oil, or something like that wherever I listed a cooking fat. It’s generally fine to swap them out. You can even go based on the flavor and the taste of whichever you prefer. I would keep the temperature a little bit lower if you’re doing butter versus ghee, for example, where if you’ve removed the dairy proteins from the butter, you’re going to have a little bit higher smoke point on it, so I think ghee.
Ghee is the number one fat I’ve been cooking with, I love Tin Star Foods ghee, she just has a really nice product. It’s made from Kerrygold butter. You can definitely make it yourself. There’s a how to recipe in all of my books, actually, on how to make it yourself. But if you don’t want to, or you just feel like you’re not successful with it. I know she also strains it. I want to say she strains it three times, so people who are really concerned about being reactive to casein can go ahead and use it and I think they’re going to be just fine.
Yeah, if you don’t love the taste of coconut oil, then just don’t use it, no big deal, and pick another fat.
Liz Wolfe: See, I just don’t approach it that way. Because I cook differently than you do. {laughing} Because I’m burning damn near everything.
Diane Sanfilippo: I also don’t reuse those fats; like you were saying, where people reuse. I cook it once, and then.
Liz Wolfe: Yeah.
Diane Sanfilippo: Like if I cook a steak in some ghee or bacon fat, whatever was in the pan, I dump on top of the steak and I eat it, kind of use it as a sauce.
Liz Wolfe: I guess I could be doing that a little bit more often too, though.
Diane Sanfilippo: It’s pretty darn yummy. I actually was just grabbing one of my books from a pile here. If people are looking for cooking fats recommendations, I’m pretty sure I have this chart in all three; I know it’s in Practical Paleo, and it’s in the Sugar Detox books. I don’t think I have this in Mediterranean. Just kind of a high level view. But in Sugar Detox book, for example, I know I have fats and oils guide, and then I kind of give a brief overview of which ones to choose for cooking. Coconut oil is at the top of that in terms of which is the most ideal, so you can kind of check that out in any of the books that you have if you have my books in front of you, it’s all there, ready for you.
Liz Wolfe: Ready for you.
Diane Sanfilippo: Mm-hmm.
6. Tips for first time crossfitters [31:26]
Liz Wolfe: Ok. So this one is from McKenna. She says she just joined a Crossfit box. “Any tips for us first time Crossfitters. Thanks!”
Oh, McKenna. We have many, many tips for you. What are your main tips?
Diane Sanfilippo: {laughs} Me?
Liz Wolfe: Yeah. You can’t just join a box, by the way, show up and work out. It’s like, you join a culture when you join a Crossfit box.
Diane Sanfilippo: {laughs}
Liz Wolfe: So it’s like, you’re going to get nutrition information.
Diane Sanfilippo: You hope.
Liz Wolfe: Well, I mean, at this point I’m guessing you will.
Diane Sanfilippo: It really varies by the gym. Some of them are really gung ho on nutrition, some of them are really random. A couple of tips; first one, hopefully you were put into some kind of beginners class, and essentials, and elements, something like that. I think my tips are mostly around mindset, because that’s probably the toughest thing to overcome. The first one would be to really just trust the process, and go with it on the whole intro thing and you’re a beginner, and don’t get freaked out by what everyone else is doing in the main class.
This happened just this week, so we’ve got a new class. It’s mid-January, and lots of new folks in the gym, and they came in for an intro class. I think they have 6 at least that they go through, but they finished their class early, and we were finishing our workout in the main class with a minute left. And our coach, sometimes gets a little intense, and we know what to expect. But he turned the music off and was just kind of shouting. Which, that’s big J. We love him, he’s super motivational, really pumped up to get everyone excited about their life, and just kind of going, whatever. It was the last minute of the workout, and these 6 people, or however many, were just like, uh, what just happened {laughs}. Totally freaked out about it.
But I think it’s really important to just remember that the people in that part of the gym have been doing this for a while, and once you get to the point where you’re introduced into the class, you still don’t even have to worry. I know there were a couple of new people in our class who were off to the side with another coach in the class, so they weren’t even doing exactly what the rest of the class was doing, because they were still, they were in the regular class but still pretty new.
So just don’t get yourself psyched out, ease in with the process, ask questions when you need to. Don’t worry that you don’t know how to do something or you can’t remember what’s a jerk and what’s a clean. I mean, I think it took me 3 months at least to be like, oh, ok, that’s the difference. Literally, those words when you first start Crossfit, beyond confusing. Or maybe that was just me. But I think it’s pretty much everyone who first starts. So that’s a couple of things.
The other thing, too, it’s important to listen to your body. You’re going to be really sore the first couple of weeks. I was really sore last week my first week back in the gym in probably close to a month of sort of not training, and just after one not that intense workout, I was really sore for many days. And that’s going to happen to anybody who’s knew. You don’t want to get discouraged by that. You don’t have to beat yourself up every time you’re in there, but if you’re not used to this type of workout, you are going to be sore. If you’re coming off the couch, you’re going to be sore. It will go away, and you won’t be that sore all the time as a result of every workout.
If you are feeling like you are getting injured; there’s a difference between working out and getting sore, and just having your muscles repair, that’s a normal process. A difference between that and a joint, or tendon, or something that feels like it’s stabilizing you, feels unstable or in a bad kind of pain. Do you know what I mean, Liz?
Liz Wolfe: Yeah.
Diane Sanfilippo: You’re feeling pain in the workout because you’re just not used to doing that thing. Or, you’re feeling like, oh, this might be an injury. I think it’s really important to tune into that and not push yourself when you think you might be injuring yourself. Those are a couple of things. What else is on your mind about being new to Crossfit?
Liz Wolfe: I think there’s kind of, with any gym, there’s this flame out tendency for some people. Some people get really, really obsessed with it, get themselves injured, have to sit out for a long time, then they come back and the same thing happens over and over again. I can actually name a couple of those that ended up opening their own Crossfit gyms, which {laughs} is a little bit unfortunate.
I think that the idea of working to your capacity is a wonderful idea, but I think it’s definitely worthwhile to be really, really aware of your body mechanics. And you may not know how a deadlift is supposed to look or feel in the beginning, but really instead of just focusing in getting that weight up, really focus on everything that your body is doing. The way the hinges are working, the muscles that you’re activating and feeling these exercises in, and you should get coaching on that obviously. But don’t just kind of follow the coach’s cues and do it, but really, really focus on everything that you’re feeling because that’s how you’re going to get that neuromuscular memory really set, and you’ll kind of be able to progress a little bit faster from there.
Getting all of those cues down I think is really, really key, especially when you get in that mentality where you want to ramp up the intensity. Because it really is technique over the amount of weight that you’re able to move or lift. That’s what’s going to enable you to do it for the long term, and actually get some results that you’re wanting.
Diane Sanfilippo: Yeah, and I think even for me, one of the biggest things that I always keep in mind is that as much as we have friends at the gym who are maybe consistently around the same strength or speed, or whatever, so we might compare ourselves. Oh, what weight are you doing on this workout just to gauge it, I think it’s really important not to compare yourself to other people in that way.
So when you come into the class, and this is a big one for guys, they’re going to start a work out where there are snatches involved, for example, and you are not going to lift as much as the girls in the class, because they’ve been doing it for a year, two years, or three, and you’re new and it’s a complex movement. I think kind of checking your ego at the door, even though people think Crossfit is such an ego driven thing.
In some way, everyone in that gym has a weakness, even the best competitor in the class might actually not be as good at one skill as you are. You might come in and somehow, you’re a master jump rope person, and they just can’t figure it out. There are so many different things that we do in there, and you just aren’t going to be good at everything. But you’ll surprise yourself, and you’ll be good at certain things. It’s a fun aspect of Crossfit.
One other thing I thought of, if you’re feeling like you’re not getting it, and it’s really frustrating and you’re struggling too much, there’s always the option, I think at most gyms, for one on one training, which you can do that kind of in addition to coming to classes. So if you start out, you go through all the intro classes, and they say, ok, you’re ready for class. If you feel like you’re really not, look into the idea of one on one, or maybe two of you can go in with the coach and just have a session once or twice a month where you just say, I know we’re in class and we’re learning this over and over, but I feel like I’m not really getting it and I want to learn more.
I think there are always aspects of different things we learn in life that we’re willing to do that for, but sometimes for fitness people just expect to get it or they think it’s not a big deal, and I think to your point about paying attention to how your body is moving. I don’t think everybody who comes to Crossfit comes from a background of being really in tune with that stuff. That was something that I was super in tune with from my previous work with a person trainer, where there was so much body awareness, kinesthetic awareness is what they call it, but just where your body is in space and what it’s doing. When the coach gives you a cue, can you follow it? Can you actually do what they’re asking?
If they keep giving you the same cue, and you’re not getting it, I think that’s a really good opportunity to invest some money in some one on one training so that you can get it. Get the attention that you need, because most gyms you will get a good amount of attention, but I can’t speak for all of them. I know the coaches at our gym, there’s a minimum of 2 coaches in a class of 20 people, but that’s not the same everywhere. You have to make sure you’re getting what you need from it, so you don’t get injured, so that you do progress in the right way, and that you have a good time. At the end of the day, you’re there to get in shape and be fit, but you really should be having a good time.
Liz Wolfe: If I could do it all again, I would say slow and steady wins the race, go 3 times a week not 7.
Diane Sanfilippo: {laughs}
Liz Wolfe: Do something you can realistically commit to doing for the long term, and freaking eat, man. Because when people join a gym, sometimes they’re also slashing calories, like slash and burn, rainforest style. And the body is like, whaaat!?
Diane Sanfilippo: Yeah.
Liz Wolfe: Holding onto everything, not letting you make any progress.
Diane Sanfilippo: Yeah, people think that a 10 minute workout isn’t burning the kind of calories or using the same kind of energy that a much longer workout that they were used to is burning. And that’s fine for a couple of days, and then {laughs} a few days in, you’re like, oh wait, there’s no glycogen stores left in my body, and I do need to eat more now, because I’ve just trained and emptied those stores out.
When I first started crossfitting, I was so scared of Crossfit, that I took it so slowly, and there were a lot of classes where my coach was like, Diane, I think you can put more weight on the bar. She was kind of making fun of me.
Liz Wolfe: {laughs} You’re the only person in the world that’s ever started Crossfit that way.
Diane Sanfilippo: I was like, oh, I don’t know. I came from this training world background of Chek practitioners who, most Chek practitioners just hate Crossfit. They’re just so against it, which to me it’s crazy because I’m like, you guys can just help fix all the people who injure themselves. I love both worlds. So, I don’t usually take sides on many things. So I went into it very slowly. I already knew how to squat, I was already able to squat probably below parallel with squatting weight; I think I had probably squatted up to body weight at that point, which now I can do that for reps and that’s not something that’s as much as I can lift now. But at the time, I was pretty strong and capable of all these things. I was training for trapeze before I went in; I was pretty capable, alright? {laughs}
But I was like, I think I’ll take the lighter weight, and I think I’ll just try not to kill myself, and I just really took it easy. And knock on wood {knocks} I really have not had any major injuries in, now it’s almost 5 years of doing Crossfit. I haven’t had major injuries because I’m not stupid at the gym.
Liz Wolfe: {laughs}
Diane Sanfilippo: There are mistakes. I have dropped a barbell on my head. {laughs} I don’t remember how it happened.
Liz Wolfe: My gosh.
Diane Sanfilippo: It just kind of bruised, no big deal. But everybody makes mistakes and all that. But I think the whole ego thing sometimes pushes people to injure themselves because of erring on the side of listening to your body and just backing off that day, you end up getting hurt, and then you’re knocked out for several weeks or months if you injure yourself seriously. You know what I mean? I’d rather be annoyed that I have to sit out that workout, and that’s happened many times, that something just kind of doesn’t feel great, and I’m like, alright, this is my favorite workout and I’m not going to do it because this thing hurts right now, and if I do this, I’m done for the next two weeks. You know?
I really think that’s a mindset that a lot of people aren’t always willing to subscribe to. They feel like they want to push through, or they feel the pressure of the classroom setting. Like I said, in our classroom, our coach is very highly motivated, wants to push everybody, but at the same time has respect for the fact that if you came in there and you didn’t sleep that great, or you came off of a trip and you just came off of an airplane, or whatever is going on in your life, you have to be responsible for yourself. I think a huge majority of folks who are getting hurt or things are going wrong, they’re just really being irresponsible with their own bodies and all that stuff. So that’s what I see. But congrats, keep us posted, McKenna.
Liz Wolfe: Ok. I’m sure that’s exactly what she expected as an answer to her question.
Diane Sanfilippo: {laughs}
Liz Wolfe: Bring tons of water, wear Lululemon.
Diane Sanfilippo: I have so many more things to say about it, but we’ll save it for another episode. Maybe she’ll c heck back in with us.
7. I bought some red palm oil; what do I do with it? [43:53]
Liz Wolfe: Yes. Alright, so this one is from Melissa. “What are your thoughts on red palm oil? I just picked some up at TJ’s and really don’t know what to do with it.”
Every time people call it TJ’s I think of the episode of the OC where they all go to Tijuana. TJ.
Diane Sanfilippo: {laughs} I just love, I love the adventurous spirit that Melissa bought this thing, and she’s like, I got this, I don’t know what to do with it.
Liz Wolfe: Now what?
Diane Sanfilippo: Now what?
Liz Wolfe: I really like red palm oil. Of course, there’s some very significant sustainability issues, so really do be careful if you’re looking to buy red palm oil that you are, at the very least, getting something that’s RSPO certified. That’s really important. I believe that’s a voluntary, not voluntary, but one of those certifications that I really hope means as much as I think it means. {Inigo Montoya voice} I do not think it means what you think it means. But I get mine from Tropical Traditions, just because those people are craaazy, and I pretty much trust that they’re source.
Diane Sanfilippo: Crazy in the best way possible.
Liz Wolfe: Ok, yeah.
Diane Sanfilippo: Maybe, no? I don’t know {laughs}
Liz Wolfe: Yeah, I like crazy people. I like people that are unafraid to put their views out there, even if I disagree with them.
Diane Sanfilippo: Right, stand up for what they believe in.
Liz Wolfe: Absolutely. I think that’s what Facebook, I mean this country is built on.
Diane Sanfilippo: {laughing}
Liz Wolfe: Ok, so the reason I like it, I actually originally liked it as a skin care food. So I take it now and then almost like a supplement. It’s a little bit more saturated, so it does have to liquefy, depends on what season you’re in. I used to take it, and still do sometimes, it’s like a carotenoid tocotrienol supplement, which you can do that. You can also cook with it. There’s a book called the Palm Oil Miracle, I think, by Bruce Fife. I’m not sure if that’s what it’s called, if you want to look into all the cool properties of red palm oil. But it’s got this really earthy taste. Which, I don’t know, maybe Diane you can give some insight on what earthy tastes pair well with.
Diane Sanfilippo: {laughs}
Liz Wolfe: But I generally like it, if I’m actually cooking with it, it would be something that’s kind of a little sweeter, like a sweet potato bisque, or butternut squash.
Diane Sanfilippo: Ooh, that sounds fancy. What?
Liz Wolfe: I know bisque is just soup, right? Because that’s pretty much {laughs}
Diane Sanfilippo: {laughing}
Liz Wolfe: My understanding.
Diane Sanfilippo: Your purview is soup and slow cooked food.
Liz Wolfe: I like it. So that’s kind of what I tend to use it for, but I just always really liked eating it as a skin care supplement, almost.
Diane Sanfilippo: That’s because you’re weird.
Liz Wolfe: I know, because I’m just utilitarian like that. If I need something, I’ll just take it.
Diane Sanfilippo: I love how different we are! {laughs} We’re so different.
Liz Wolfe: Completely.
Diane Sanfilippo: It’s hilarious.
Liz Wolfe: Yeah.
Diane Sanfilippo: But you love to eat, that’s the thing.
Liz Wolfe: I love to eat!
Diane Sanfilippo: As much as you’re utilitarian about your ingredients, and food, and when you’re on your own, but when we’re together and we go to restaurants, you’re a good eater. You love to eat.
Liz Wolfe: There are 3 to 5 meals in a day depending on how much space your uterus is occupying in your body, how squished your digestive system is. There’s no way that I can enjoy myself and all my nutrient intake 3 to 5 times a day. Maybe three times a week.
Diane Sanfilippo: It sounds like permission to eat more, which you know I’m always looking for that {laughs}
Liz Wolfe: No, it’s not. It’s permission to eat tiny miserable meals where you wish you could eat way more. That’s what it is.
Diane Sanfilippo: Ohh. Well, maybe that is some information also for the folks who can’t eat big meals all at once. We’ve had a lot of questions about gastric bypass and things like that. Maybe you’re experiencing a little bit of what they’re experiencing.
Liz Wolfe: {laughing}
Diane Sanfilippo: No, I’m serious! It’s totally different, of course. Anybody listening, I’m not lumping you together. I’m just saying, it is a little bit of that experience.
Liz Wolfe: There are times in life when it’s appropriate for certain people to not eat 3 squares.
Diane Sanfilippo: Mm-hmm.
Liz Wolfe: Absolutely. I’m in that place. It was the saddest day today when I could only get half a sweet potato and one Niman Ranch apple gouda brat to my body. It’s a sad, sad time.
Diane Sanfilippo: That’s a decent amount of food.
Liz Wolfe: Come on.
Diane Sanfilippo: The red palm oil, two things. When I was cooking with it more; I really haven’t used it a lot lately just, I don’t know, just got it out of the rotation. I was cooking eggs in it, because I feel like eggs are pretty neutral, and so if the oil is going to impart some more flavor. Now I’ve been cooking things in ghee. Actually, maybe I’ll grab the red palm and mix it with some ghee and see what happens.
Liz Wolfe: That sounds like a good idea.
Diane Sanfilippo: I’ll get a lovely colored egg. But I do also have a recipe in Practical Paleo for a tuna, it’s a grilled tuna that you brush with the red palm oil, and it actually gives it kind of a neat color. Because, I don’t know why I did that, I think I was just trying to come up with a fun use for the red palm oil. I did do a roasted garlic in red palm oil, which is another nice use for it, because the garlic is so mild when you roast it, and it does have a really nice, kind of buttery, nutty flavor to it, and I think the red palm oil works well with that.
But on the tuna recipe, if anybody has grilled fresh tuna, it goes from this amazing bright red color to like a grey color, which, I don’t know about you, but grey food is not my thing.
Liz Wolfe: {laughs}
Diane Sanfilippo: It’s just weird. It’s like, how does it go from bright red to grey? I don’t know. Anyway, brushing it with the red palm oil kind of gives it an interesting look, and then you’re using some seasoning. So you can check out that. I think it’s called red palm and coriander tuna. Something to that effect. So that’s a good one to try out. That’s kind of my thought process there. You could probably cook some chicken, if you were doing a chicken satay or something Thai flavored. I think the flavor might go well with that, especially because Thai sauces and curries, or like a satay sauce are pretty strong, so I think the red palm will stand up to that flavoring, as opposed to something that’s much milder. So that will be another possible use.
Liz Wolfe: Cool.
Diane Sanfilippo: Cool.
Liz Wolfe: Have fun with that.
8. My bulletproof coffee is always oil, do I have to drink it? [50:02]
Liz Wolfe: Alright, this one from Danielle. “I can’t seem to figure out how to make bulletproof coffee that tastes good. Mine never tasted creamy, it’s always oily. Any advice or tips?”
Alright, so I wanted to answer this question, Diane, because if there is no bulletproof coffee, like not drinking it is not going to hurt anybody.
Diane Sanfilippo: {laughs}
Liz Wolfe: So, if you don’t like it, and it doesn’t taste good, there’s no reason to keep hacking away at it and trying to make it something that tastes good for you. Maybe there’s some culinary trick that makes it into some kind of amazing velvety caffeinated mixture that is not to be missed. I don’t know. I tried to make a latte the other day with coconut milk; totally burned out, not going to try it again, I’m done.
Diane Sanfilippo: {laughs}
Liz Wolfe: Do you see a reason that people absolutely has to be drinking this?
Diane Sanfilippo: No, nobody has to drink it. The one thing I can think of with the way that she’s making it; I mean, if she’s following the recipe, you know, the as written, here’s what you’re supposed to do, and you don’t like it, then just don’t make it. What I have done with coffee in the past, I don’t think I’ve ever made it the approved “bulletproof” recipe, I think I’ve just basically blended butter into my coffee if I want to, which is basically just butter in your coffee, there’s no trademark on that. It’s just butter in your coffee. And essentially, it does become creamy and kind of frothy. But you have to blend it. So if you’re just putting a spoonful of MCT oil and a spoonful of butter in your coffee, then the oil is probably pretty much going to sit on top, so I think that would be pretty oil. It’d be like sipping broth that’s just made where the oil is sitting right on top.
Liz Wolfe: Ech.
Diane Sanfilippo: But what I usually do, I don’t really make or drink bulletproof coffee. I do some coconut milk, I do a little bit of ghee, and then I blend that and it comes out fine. I would just put it in a blender. I think that might be the element that you’re missing there. I’m really not sure what she’s doing.
Liz Wolfe: Would an egg yolk help; is that why people are doing the egg yolk now, does it help kind of grab the cream?
Diane Sanfilippo: Oh gosh, I have no idea. But if you were blending an egg yolk in your coffee, and it’s hot, aren’t you going to have a scrambled egg in your coffee?
Liz Wolfe: This is where I checked out of the conversation {laughs}.
Diane Sanfilippo: Ok, I did see somebody taking ground up coffee beans, and they scrambled an egg in a separate container, and then they mixed the coffee into that, and then they took the whole thing and they simmered it in water to basically steep the coffee. But what the scrambled egg did was it acted as a filter where it stuck to all the coffee grinds, and then you could basically pour out the coffee without having a coffee filter. I don’t know, it kind of looked like a kitchen camping hack.
Liz Wolfe: I just got really, really tired.
Diane Sanfilippo: I’m like, just use a paper towel or I don’t know.
Liz Wolfe: But that would be a waste of the egg.
Diane Sanfilippo: Right! What a horrible use of an egg.
Liz Wolfe: We’re not artificially lighting our chicken coop this winter, so we are like precious low on eggs, and I’m just so grateful for every single one that we get. Eggs during the winter are a precious commodity.
Diane Sanfilippo: Yeah, they’re seasonal food.
Liz Wolfe: Oh my goodness. Yeah, so ok, put it in the blender then.
Diane Sanfilippo: Ok. Put an egg on it.
Liz Wolfe: Guess that’s what it is.
Diane Sanfilippo: Wait, what?
Liz Wolfe: Put an egg on it.
Diane Sanfilippo: Put a bird on it.
Liz Wolfe: I think we can shout out the Butter Your Broth eBook that my friend Kirsten put together recently. I talked about it on my Facebook page yesterday, but you mentioned broth. People that are doing broth, they’re kind of bulletproofing their broth too these days. She’s got some interesting ideas in there. Her website is Check that out, maybe switch it to broth.
Diane Sanfilippo: Sweet.
Liz Wolfe: How about we do this one from Daniella?
Diane Sanfilippo: Ok.
9. When the 21-Day Sugar Detox isn’t right for you [53:52]
Liz Wolfe: Ok. Daniella says, “I was wondering what I should do since I weight lift 4 days a week, and high intensity interval train 3 days a week. I’m going to start the 21-Day Sugar Detox on the 5th of January,” Sorry, that was a little bit ago.
“However, the supplements I take are called Xtend and First Form, or First Formula 1 after workout protein. I know you said no sugar, but I was reading through the ingredients in them, and they have sucralose. But when I look at the sugar content, how many grams per serving, it says 0. So, are these acceptable during the detox? These, unfortunately are key to my workout routine on building and maintaining muscle. Also, my trainer says I need to eat some type of sugar after my weight days to feed my muscles. I usually do an apple, is that acceptable? In your book, there wasn’t a list of fruit you could have, or couldn’t. It kept referring to the yes list, but that didn’t really say anything about fruit. The only thing I saw was green apples; same as complex carbs. Since I’m on a strict diet already, I have 3 meals a day out of 6 that require complex carbs. I usually do sweet potato or Ezekiel bread. So how exactly is this going to work with my current diet?
Also, I bought some protein powder called the Golden Ratio. It’s made out of peas and collagen. It also says coconut palm sugar as one of the ingredients, but it says 0 grams per serving; is that acceptable?”
Can I tell you why I wanted to answer this question.
Diane Sanfilippo: Tell me why.
Liz Wolfe: Because, in my opinion, I felt like this was somebody who is kind of chasing something, and found the 21-Day Sugar Detox, and is piling that on to a whole bunch of other stuff they’re already doing, and maybe perhaps I was curious as to whether you would say that maybe the 21DSD is not for this person maybe at this particular stage of their existence.
Diane Sanfilippo: {laughs}
Liz Wolfe: So I wanted to ask that.
Diane Sanfilippo: On the heels of our previous two episodes, yes, I would agree with you. I think there’s a couple of things going on here, and I feel like, this is kind of a classic situation where, just looking for more and more ways to kind of restrict and refine, and fine tune, and dial in, and all of that minutia that I don’t really love for people to do. Especially for somebody who is kind of at this intense level of athletic activity, and training, and all of that.
I have energy modifications in the book for my athletes, and I even tell people who are training for a half marathon or a marathon, for example; don’t take on the 21-Day Sugar Detox as the same time you’re training for this race. If you always train for those races, but you really wanted to do it; I’m sorry, it’s just not the right thing to do at the same time. I can’t stop people from trying, but I don’t recommend it. It’s a program that I created, and I’ve been putting people through it for almost 5 years now. I think there’s a lot of experience I have behind that.
I would definitely agree with you; she’s not even really seeing in the book where there are allowances for fruit and starchy carbohydrates, so this is one of those cases where I would just say, you know what, follow the program that you’re on, do the workouts that you’re doing, and if your trainer, who you trust and you feel like you’re getting good results with is giving you an eating plan, then that’s what you should be following.
Liz Wolfe: Yep. Yeah.
Diane Sanfilippo: Yes.
Liz Wolfe: This is why I think you’re great.
Diane Sanfilippo: {laughs} I think you’re swell.
Liz Wolfe: I think you’re swell. You have this great program, but you’re very much like, look. This doesn’t seem to be your focus right now, so perhaps you should look elsewhere.
Diane Sanfilippo: I actually created the program, and created different levels on it to try and help people who are nowhere near where Daniella is. You know what I mean?
Liz Wolfe: Yeah.
Diane Sanfilippo: I really want this program to reach the people who are eating Ho-Ho’s, and Cheerios, and croissants for breakfast, and donuts. You know what I mean? That’s really who I want this program to help. Now, folks like you and I, we get to the point where we’re like, wow, I just ate that whole bag of dried mango. You and I have been joking about that for 3 years.
Liz Wolfe: {laughing}
Diane Sanfilippo: I always tell people, you know that your other friends think that you’re crazy when you say that a bag of dried mango was an indulgence. To them, that’s a really healthy snack. By all accounts, it is a healthy snack. I know that people can get themselves off the rails with paleofied treats, and all that stuff. I mean, everybody kind of goes crazy now and then if they feel like they are not living something that’s more sustainable for them. So, whatever. It’s fine, I don’t have a problem with folks who are generally eating paleo, want to clean up what they’re doing, and liking having this set of rules and this program to follow. I’m all for it, that’s what level 3 is for.
But I really made the program to invite people who don’t know what to do when they cut sugar out and are scared of fat, maybe. The program really starts to turn people on to eating fat and it not being scary or unhealthy. Those are the people who I most want to open the program up to and say, you can do this. You’ve been told that sugar isn’t the best thing to eat all the time, but a lot of folks don’t tell you what to eat instead, or they end up giving you a program that’s just some kind of cleanse that is not real regular food that you can keep eating forever. You know?
Liz Wolfe: Mm-hmm.
Diane Sanfilippo: If you end up on juice cleanse for 3 days or a week, what do you do after? People already, they want to know what to do after the 21-Day Sugar Detox, and I’m like, if you think this is a tough transition, what if you did a juice cleanse for 7 days?
Liz Wolfe: {laughs}
Diane Sanfilippo: Then you’re like; I wasn’t eating any real regular food, I didn’t learn anything except drink juice, you know what I mean? I love that the program really teaches people healthy choices and how to get their body to feel satisfied from different foods. But somebody who is really looking to use it as this hyper fine tuning program, that’s not the spirit of the program at all. So yes.
Liz Wolfe: Follow the spirit.
Diane Sanfilippo: {laughs} Follow the yellow brick…no.
Liz Wolfe: {munchkin voice} Follow the yellow brick road.
Diane Sanfilippo: {laughs}
Liz Wolfe: Ok.
Diane Sanfilippo: Ok. I think that’s it for questions.
Liz Wolfe: Yeah, that’s it for questions. But I have, can I ask a question for your kitchen tip this week?
Diane Sanfilippo: No more questions.
Liz Wolfe: {laughing}
Diane Sanfilippo: {laughs} Is that a good one?
Liz Wolfe: I’m thankful. That’s good. So I’m going to ask.
Diane Sanfilippo: {Jersey accent} The defense is wrong! {laughs} Sorry.
Liz Wolfe: Oh my god!
Diane Sanfilippo: I miss Marisa Tomei. Where is she, these days?
Liz Wolfe: I don’t know .She was in a Steve Carell movie recently that I really liked.
Diane Sanfilippo: I love Steve Carell.
Liz Wolfe: With Julianne Moore.
Diane Sanfilippo: Oh, I think that won a Golden Globe or something. Somebody did, I think Julianne Moore won a Golden Globe.
Liz Wolfe: With Ryan Hottie, I don’t even know his name. Ryan Gosling.
Diane Sanfilippo: {laughs}
Liz Wolfe: He’s Noah from the Notebook to me, forever and ever. What was that movie called?! Somebody is screaming it into their headphones right now.
Diane Sanfilippo: {laughs}
Liz Wolfe: I can’t remember. And Emma Stone was in it!
Diane Sanfilippo: Yeah, I just watched the Golden Globes. Did you watch?
Liz Wolfe: No.
Diane Sanfilippo: I feel like we’re the Tina Fey and Amy Poehler of podcasting. Do you?
Liz Wolfe: Except for I can’t stand watching celebrities pleasure themselves at these stupid award shows. I can’t do it.
Diane Sanfilippo: Wait, what? {laughing} I don’t think we can say that.
Liz Wolfe: I think we can say that.
Diane Sanfilippo: Stroke their own egos?
Liz Wolfe: Yes, exactly. Service their own egos. I just can’t handle it. I love Amy Poehler and Tina Fey. I prefer scripted comedy to people trying to be funny and charming in front of an audience of their so called peers. Although I did like the part where they made fun of George Clooney {laughs} because his wife is so much prettier than he is.
Diane Sanfilippo: That was so perfect! That joke was amazing, and I was like, I love you Tina Fey! You’re my idol!
Liz Wolfe: I do love Tina Fey. I just can’t handle it. But then I worry that people are going to do something that they’re not supposed to do, like the Janet Jackson thing at the Super Bowl. I just, live TV scares the bejebus out of me.
Diane Sanfilippo: Oh. Not me. Not scared.
Liz Wolfe: Yeah, you’re not scared. I’m not scared!
Diane Sanfilippo: {laughs}
10. Diane’s Kitchen tip: Do meat and eggs need to be at room temperature before you cook them? [1:01:56]
Liz Wolfe: Alright, here’s my question for your kitchen tip of the week. Do meat and eggs need to be at room temperature before you cook them?
Diane Sanfilippo: If they do, I’ve been doing it wrong my whole life {laughs}
Liz Wolfe: {laughing}
Diane Sanfilippo: A couple of things here. There have been rumors about bringing meat to room temperature before you cook it, just to kind of make it easier to sear, perhaps. But I saw something recently circulating, I know you guys have heard me talk about America’s Test Kitchen a lot. I know our friend Michelle Tam at Nom Nom Paleo is a huge fan of America’s Test Kitchen, as well. But they’ve listed some information about cooking the perfect steak where you actually par-freeze it, and I did not research that.
Liz Wolfe: Wait, par-freeze it?
Diane Sanfilippo: Yeah.
Liz Wolfe: Like, par-boil?
Diane Sanfilippo: {laughs} Yeah. So you partially freeze it. You freeze it for a few minutes.
Liz Wolfe: Is that what par means?
Diane Sanfilippo: Yeah.
Liz Wolfe: Are you serious?
Diane Sanfilippo: {laughs}
Liz Wolfe: Par-boil means partially boiled?
Diane Sanfilippo: Well, I don’t know if it’s like short for some kind of French or Latin word for just ahead of time or previously.
Liz Wolfe: Oh my god. Ok.
Diane Sanfilippo: But yeah. Like, par-baked pizza crust is like partially baked. I mean, it’s halfway baked, or something. It’s prebaked.
Liz Wolfe: Wow.
Diane Sanfilippo: But it’s not done. So, yeah. So {laughs} you would freeze the steak ahead, I’m not sure for how long, but somehow, I feel like the way that the water molecules in the meat change structure, it somehow kept it cooking better or more evenly, or say juicier. Something to that effect. This all sounds like way too much work for me. I’m not that much of a food scientist nerd in that way. I’m like, if I learn something, I’m like, that’s cool, good to know. I’m not going to do it, but it’s good to know.
Eggs; same thing. I’ve cooked them from cold pretty much all the time. When it matters to use either cold or room temperature eggs tends to be more in baking. Again, let’s not ask Diane questions about baking. Maybe we can ask Brittany Angell these questions. But there are times when using cold eggs will, I think, yield lumpy results. Because basically; let’s say for example you used cold eggs and melted butter, or warm butter, or coconut oil. You know as soon as coconut oil gets cold, it hardens up. So if you’re whisking eggs into something with coconut oil, then it becomes clumpy. So if you want to start with room temperature eggs for that reason, that could be beneficial. But I cook eggs from the refrigerator, no big deal.
The other time that sometimes eggs aren’t refrigerated is if you just picked them fresh from the farm and you don’t wash them off, I think you can leave them unrefrigerated?
Liz Wolfe: Yeah.
Diane Sanfilippo: Is that right?
Liz Wolfe: We don’t refrigerate our eggs.
Diane Sanfilippo: Yeah. So, but if you wash them, isn’t there some kind of protective thing that then you’re going to have to put them in the fridge? I feel like Diana Rogers told me that.
Liz Wolfe: I don’t know. I think Diana said something about that before. We don’t wash them. There is some kind of protective coating. I don’t know.
Diane Sanfilippo: I keep my food in the refrigerator. Sometimes I’ll take meat out if it was previously frozen and defrosted in the fridge, and I feel like the chill on it is colder than the fridge because it hasn’t fully come down in temperature, I will take it out ahead of time and just let it kind of mellow out a little bit more. But do you have to? No.
Liz Wolfe: Alright. Whenever I’m cooking now, I think of questions for you.
Diane Sanfilippo: Oh goodie. I like it, because I don’t know what to tip, because I’m just on autopilot.
Liz Wolfe: Yeah, you don’t know what you know.
Diane Sanfilippo: Yeah, exactly.
Liz Wolfe: Yep yep.
11. Liz’s homestead tip of the week: get nipples [1:05:37]
Diane Sanfilippo: Alright, well do you have a homesteading tip for us this week, for all of us homesteaders. {laughs}
Liz Wolfe: {laughing} Yes. So my homestead tip is; get nipples.
Diane Sanfilippo: {laughing}
Liz Wolfe: And, this comes from a conversation I had with our friend Hayley from Make it Paleo 2. She’s getting some chickens, which is awesome. But I have found that the conventional normal chicken waterer is just a mess waiting to be made, especially with baby chicks. Baby chicks will poop in their water; it’s just a free for all. So starting chickens from the beginning with nipple waterers, or transitioning your older chickens to nipple waterers is just a fabulous way to keep the water situation clean. You may have to kind of show the baby chicks how to use it by just pushing them up next to the waterer so they know how to get the water out. But get nipple waterers. And you can make; you can YouTube, just make sure you YouTube nipple chicken waterer. {laughs} Just for your own safety.
Diane Sanfilippo: {laughs} NSFW? Not safe for work.
Liz Wolfe: Yeah. Not safe for podcast. You can even make little tiny bucket waterers. You can actually attach these little nipple things to a bucket, or if you have just a few chickens you can use little kid’s sand bucket. There are a ton of different ways you can do it. We use those big ol farm buckets. But there you go.
Ok, so that’s it for this week. You can find Diane at, and join me, Liz, at Join our email lists for free goodies you don’t find anywhere else on our website. And, while you’re on the internet, please leave us an iTunes review. We’d greatly appreciate it. We’ll see you next week.