The Slim Palate Paleo Cookbook by Joshua Weissman is impressive. So is Joshua.
Joshua lost over 100 lbs as a high school student. (Read more here.) He became determined to leave behind a sick, unhappy existence and become the healthy, thriving young man he was meant to be. He’s figured out things as an EIGHTEEN-YEAR-OLD that it took me 30 years to discover – about food, about health, and about life.
When I was 18, I was eating Wheel Pizza, drinking beer (sorry, mom), hangin’ out in girl-piles, and wearing belts made out of really weird swatches of fabric.
Of course, while the girl piles are memories I’ll forever cherish, the other stuff led me to skin problems, some arrested development (not the good kind) and some ongoing negative decisions. (Well, the belts didn’t do that. But the beer & pizza probably did.)
(Yes, everything has to be about ME.)
Anyway. If that doesn’t say something about Joshua’s drive, his abilities, and his passion, I don’t know what does.
This cookbook is beautiful. I can’t wait to make the chicken Korma (you can see in the video I’m very serious about chicken Korma) or the cacao oven brisket. The cauliflower tortillas (taken from his blog) are so simple, useful and delicious – I’m so glad they made it into the cookbook.
The great thing about this book is that while it’s filled with artful photography and flavorful, gourmet-quality foods, the recipes are elegantly simple. Which is important to me, because I’m a complete loser in the kitchen.
Well done, Joshua!
Get your copy here.
Enjoy my quick video review – with outtakes! (If you can’t see the video, click here.)
Thanks for reading – and watching!
5 Responses
You’re so darn cute!
lol you’re so entertaining! and yes, josh’s book is amazing!!! prosciutto egg cups are delicious and i also recommend the pumpkin blondies!
I love you. That is all.
Ditto^infinity. Over & out.