On this episode of the Modern Farm Girls Podcast, we talk with journalist and author Judith Schwartz about the impact of soil restoration and the water cycle on climate change.
- Judith’s site
- Soil as a hub for multiple environmental, economic and social challenges and solutions
- Judith’s two books
- Cows Save the Planet
- Water in Plain Site: Hope for a Thirsty World– Available July 2016
- Paris Climate Talks
- Regenerative Agriculture
- Regeneration International
- 4 per 1000 Initiative
- Soil carbon
- New Economics
- Photosynthesis
- Carbon Cycle
- Oxidize less, photosynthesize more
- Sustainability in food policy
- Climate Smart Agriculture
- Corporate Smart Agriculture
- Agroecology
- Herbivores and their impact on the soil carbon equation
- Mollisols
- US media and sustainability
- The role of the water cycle in the climate
- How to make a difference in climate change as an individual
- Bionutrient Conference
- The Soil Story
- Soil Solutions to Climate Problems
- Vice documentary
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2 Responses
I have a soil question for you. I am working on building up my soil with trace elements and was wondering if you had any recommendations on where a good place to order organic trace elements would be?
I’m not sure! Head over to sustainabledish.com and ask Diana 🙂