On this episode of the Modern Farm Girls Podcast, we talk with Mark Baker about his legal battle over the Mangoletsi pigs he raises on his farm in Michigan, and the future of Baker’s Green Acres becoming a Veterans transitional farm.
- Farm to Consumer Legal Defense Fund
- 80 acre farm in Michigan
- Baker’s Green Acres
- Inspired by Joel Salatin model of farming
- Cows & rotational grazing
- Mangoletsi pig breed from Hungary
- Holistic farming
- Characteristics of conventional Pigs versus Mangoletsi pigs
- Wooly pigs, good in northern climates, foragers
- Designed for acorns
- In 2011 the Michigan Department of Natural Resources issued an invasive species order outlawing feral pigs
- Michigan deemed Mark’s pigs feral, creating a costly legal battle
- December 2015 the state police returned
- Looking for “adulterated” meat
- Ongoing legal battle
- Shifting farms focus to employ veterans
- Veterans transitional farm
- Future of farms and veterans
- Communication in the civilian world
- Mark’s new mission in life
- Stop assuming food is going to arrive safely at your door step
- People need to become more political
- Industrial agricultural is on race to the bottom
- Family farms will return
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