1. What’s new for you from Diane [2:14]
2. Introducing our guest, Jen Sinkler [6:36]
3. Beginner fitness and ways to get started [9:33]
4. Power lifting, and maintaining motivation [19:57]
5. All about intuitive training and rest and recovery [25:26]
6. Training while recovering from adrenal fatigue [32:25]
7. Weight lifting group classes and Crossfit [41:31]
8. Training and movement before, during, and after pregnancy [45:25]
9. Training and coaching for teens [52:38]
10. Tips for type 1 diabetics [59:31]
11. Thoughts on supplements and fat burners [1:03:09]
12. Lift Weights Faster 2 [1:05:21]
13. Liz’s tip of the week: Postpartum nutrition for healing and milk production [1:14:50]
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Liz Wolfe: Hey friends. Welcome to this episode of the Balanced Bites podcast. Let’s get a quick word in from our first episode sponsor.
Diane Sanfilippo: Hey everyone! Welcome to episode 182 of the Balanced Bites podcast. Diane here. I’m definitely going through some withdrawal. My podcasting co-host partner has been on maternity leave for a little while now, and it’s going to be a little while longer. I definitely can’t pressure her into coming back too quickly while she is percolating and birthing a new person. So, we’ll just keep good thoughts for Liz, and hope that she does really awesomely. I’ll be talking to her pretty soon. So there’s that. Let’s check in with out sponsors.
Liz Wolfe: Support for this podcast is provided by Dragonfly Traditions; natural, nourishing skin care with absolutely no unnecessary chemicals. It’s natural nutrition for the skin. I am a huge fan of Dragonfly from their serum, to their night cream, and everything else the owner, Phoebe, has created. Your skin will be soft and happy with Dragonfly Traditions. If you head over to and make a purchase of one or more of their skin care products, you can then add Balanced Bites to your shopping cart for 1 penny. Phoebe will not only send you 2 free lip balms with your order, she’ll also send you that penny back. Remember that’s 2 free lip balms with purchase from Dragonfly Traditions.
1. What’s new for you from Diane [2:14]
Diane Sanfilippo: Alright. So, before we get into today’s episode, I have a few updates that are pretty important. The first one, which is probably the most important, if you’re listening to this episode around from the air date and not from the archives, I have two important things about that. The first one is we’re actually moving the hosting of this podcast in the next week or two, so you’ll need to go into iTunes and resubscribe to make sure you don’t miss any new episodes.
The reason for this is that our previous host has recently started putting ads into the show that are not approved by us, and it’s a paid service. We pay for hosting there. I don’t know if it’s just something that has been in their contract for forever and they just recently started to do it, but it’s not cool with us. A bunch of you guys have complained or even sent us a note, saying, hey if you guys need money, we can send money for the podcast, I’ll pay for it. I was like, no, no, we have amazing sponsors. We love our sponsors, we handpicked them, we cherish them. And we don’t want their messages to be diluted by these other sponsors that have just randomly been attached to our show. One recently that I heard was some kind of fat loss supplement or something like that, which is totally not from us. Anything that’s a sponsor that we have approved and have brought on board you’ll hear it within our show, not tacked onto the beginning or the end.
Anyway, all that to say definitely jump into iTunes and resubscribe in the next couple of weeks. I will post about it on Facebook, Instagram, twitter, everywhere in social media. I’ll also be sending an email out, so if you’re on my emailing list, I’ll remind you a few times in there. But, it’s just going to be a big issue if you’re subscribed now and you expect it to update, and we’ve moved the hosting it’s going to change where the show comes from. So even though you’ll still be able to find it in iTunes under the same name, it’s just going to be a little bit different. Just wanted to give you guys a heads up about that, because it is going to be a big shift in where the show is coming from, so you do need to resubscribe to iTunes.
Alright, a couple of other updates. If you didn’t hear, just a quick one that the tour that was supposed to be coming up, kicking off tomorrow if you’re listening live, that was supposed to kick off on Friday the 13th of March, we’re not actually doing that tour. It was a Make it Paleo 2 tour, and Hayley, unfortunately, my good friend is pretty sick right now and just trying to take care of herself. I know, of course, we all want to practice what we preach. We try so hard to work on these books, and you know, everybody handles stress differently, and sometimes the physical burden of it is harder for some than others. She’s just trying to take good care of herself, and really set the example. It’s unfortunate. We really wanted to meet all of you guys, but we’ll see if we can get something scheduled in the future.
You will be able to meet at least myself, and my guest today, who I’ll introduce in just another minute, at PaleoFx in Austin, Texas. That is going to be April 24th to the 26th, right before my birthday, so I’m really excited about that. I’ll be talking about business stuff at this year’s PaleoFx, which I’m actually super excited about. So if you’ve got a business, you’re an entrepreneur, whether you’re a trainer, a nutritionist, or you have some kind of paleo based business or any other nutrition and health related business that you’ve got questions about, how to get started, and how to kind of make it go and make it grow, then definitely check out my talk. I don’t know what day it’s going to be on yet, but you can stay tuned to information on PaleoFx for that.
I’m also going to be on at least one other panel, I think it’s at the very end of the event on Sunday. It’s like a women’s health panel, which I did last year as well. It was super fun, very well attended, really nice way to turn out the event. I just loved that talk.
Last but not least, if you’ve been interested in my 21-Day Sugar Detox coaches program, I want to give you a quick heads up that we do have a Facebook group for anybody who’s interested in it. The one group that we have, anybody can join. We do have a group after folks become certified that’s private and closed only to those who’ve been certified through the program. I’ll be opening up enrollment again for that at the beginning of April. It’s only going to be open for about 2 weeks, and then it will close again until the fall. I want to make sure that you all are ready for it when it comes. If you have any budgeting concerns and you need to plan ahead a little bit, I just want everyone to be aware that that’s coming, and it will only be open for those two weeks. So if it’s something you’re interested in, definitely look out for that and join us in the Facebook group.
2. Introducing our guest, Jen Sinkler[6:36]
Diane Sanfilippo: Alright! So today’s guest I would love to introduce. If you have been listening to the show for a long time, you’ve definitely heard a previous interview with her, but I wanted to bring her back on again today, not only because she’s just awesome and fun to talk to about fitness and all that good stuff, and she has probably the most amazing bangs in the entire fitness industry.
Jen Sinkler: {laughing}
Diane Sanfilippo: So it’s like, high on my list of priorities of who I want to talk to. She’s also got an amazing new program coming out. So Jen Sinkler; she is a long time fitness writer for national magazines such as Women’s Health, and Men’s Health, which is actually how Jen and I first met. She interviewed me for a magazine article. She is a fitness enthusiast and fitness eclectic I would say. She’s a former member of the US National Women’s Rugby team, and she currently trains clients at Movement Minneapolis. Jen talks fitness, food, happy life, and general health topics at her website, And she just authored her conditioning resource sequel, Lift Weights Faster 2. Jen, yes you’re there, you’re already laughing at me!
Jen Sinkler: {laughs} I loved the bangs talk. I feel like, that was a breakthrough moment in our friendship, as the bonding over bangs. I remember taking a selfie of my bangs and discussing exactly how to cut them so that you’re eyebrows don’t split them. Because the splitting of the bangs, that’s a real deal breaker for people.
Diane Sanfilippo: It’s a big problem.
Jen Sinkler: Yeah.
Diane Sanfilippo: And I think you also told me that they needed to be thicker when I had them.
Jen Sinkler: Yeah.
Diane Sanfilippo: Because they weren’t lying down. But guess what? I’ve been like, forget the bangs, I can’t handle it.
Jen Sinkler: You’re hair always looks great, so bangs, no bangs, it doesn’t really matter. If you do the bangs thing, though, this is the thing that nobody knows. I take this information with me. You have to cut them in an M shape. Which sounds so weird.
Diane Sanfilippo: That’s so weird!
Jen Sinkler: But you’ve got to have long on the edges, and shorter above the eyebrows, and then long in the middle again.
Diane Sanfilippo: Ok, alright.
Jen Sinkler: I think, I’m pretty sure I made that up. Because I take that to different hairstylists, I’m like, can you please cut them in an M. Because that’s how you keep them from splitting! Otherwise you’re expressive eyebrows split them right above your eyes.
Diane Sanfilippo: That’s true, and that is a very annoying thing.
Jen Sinkler: I’m glad we’re talking about this. This is good.
Diane Sanfilippo: I feel like one day I’m going to cut them again.
Jen Sinkler: Yeah.
Diane Sanfilippo: Because I literally thing I have, and I’m overusing literally already, but I really think that I have bangs amnesia.
Jen Sinkler: {laughs} Yes!
Diane Sanfilippo: It’s like I forget how annoyed I got by them.
Jen Sinkler: Everyone does.
Diane Sanfilippo: And I’m like, oh that would be so cute, and then I could just cover any aging that’s happening in my forehead, or anywhere.
Jen Sinkler: Yeah, completely natural Botox.
Diane Sanfilippo: {laughs}
Jen Sinkler: I have a friend, Yvonne Ward, she posted on Facebook a few months ago. “I couldn’t resist the siren song of the bangs; regret will set in in 3…2…1…” That’s the way it goes.
Diane Sanfilippo: Yeah {laughing} That’s what happens.
Jen Sinkler: Unless you cut the M shape, I’m telling you.
Diane Sanfilippo: Alright. So if I ever dive into the bangs pool again.
Jen Sinkler: And you will.
3. Beginner fitness and ways to get started [9:33]
Diane Sanfilippo: I’ll go for the M shape. So, let’s talk about all things fitness. I know we talked about a whole bunch of stuff with the first podcast that we did together, and if folks want to get a little bit more background on you, definitely go back. I feel like it was episode 132.
Jen Sinkler: It was.
Diane Sanfilippo: Because I had to go grab a link recently. Ok, so if you’re listening and you want to find out who the heck is this Jen Sinkler chick, instead of spending 10 minutes on her bio today, I think what we’ll do is just jump into questions, because we have so many and I would love to get them answered. So you guys can all go back and listen to episode 132 and learn more about Jen if you haven’t. So let’s just dive in, does that sound good?
Jen Sinkler: That sounds great.
Diane Sanfilippo: Awesome. So, we have a lot of questions on fitness for beginners. Just like super quick context for people who are listening; Jen is not a one size fits all kind of person, she doesn’t just train people in Crossfit, or just in this, that, or the other. It’s kind of a broad spectrum, so she’s got a very broad perspective, as well. So let’s talk a little bit about fitness for beginners. What do you do with people, how can people get started. I would say, too, to just give that a little context with the current landscape of what’s popular. Obviously, Crossfit is really popular, but what’s out there that people could get into that you think is a great way to start?
Jen Sinkler: Well the reason that I am, as you said, the fitness eclectic, is that I think there are a lot of different entry points that get you towards the same positive body change. Same goals, same feeling of ease in your body, building muscle, etc. etc. The things that people are after, whether you call it toning or call it getting fit. Whatever your lingo is. But some people’s entry point is going to be kettle bell training, some people’s entry point is going to be calisthenics, some people’s entry point is going to be Crossfit, and so on, and so on, and so on. Olympic lifting, and anything else you can name.
I think the general idea for beginners is you want to improve posture, you want to build bone and muscle density, many people want to improve their body composition. That’s not something that I always assume. I’m not going to assume that every person wants to lose fat. Some people just want to maintain; some people just want to feel better. But broad strokes, you want your exercise program to make you feel better.
You want to seek help getting the basics right. And honestly, strength training, some sort of strength training, and all of my certifications are under some sort of strength umbrella. I think those are the activities that are going to be the most bang for your buck in terms of fitness activities. You’re going to change your body shape, you’re going to change your hormones, you’re going to burn fat, you’re going to build your capacity to eat more calories. That’s a big thing too, right?
Diane Sanfilippo: {laughs} That’s the only reason I work out. Let’s be honest.
Jen Sinkler: {laughs} Yeah, you’ve got to feed that muscle. You get just blow you away results with strength training. So that’s the first thing. That’s the tenet number one; find some sort of entry point in the strength training umbrella. That’s my best advice. Once you get there, focus on big multi-joint movements, and use these six categories of movements. A lot of people, you don’t know where to start because you’re brand new, so you’re like, well I guess I’ll do some bicep curls, and that’s a single joint exercise. Whereas if you’re doing a squat, you’re involving ankles, knees, hips, and so on. You’re involving so many muscles in your body.
These are the categories of movements, too. We don’t think, often when we’re early in our fitness journey, we don’t think about balancing out our fitness program. And I look to these categories: Number one, some sort of explosive movement. That can be swings, or jump squats, or even just hops across a line. Something explosive. That’s a quality that we lose as we age. Very often, we stop sprinting, we stop doing things that are dynamic and ballistic, and I think that’s an important quality to maintain or to reattain. That power.
That can help you, number one, develop type 2 muscles, which tend to be the ones that look more toned and shaped. Again, I’m just using the lexicon of the current fitness landscape on that. You also, when you’re more powerful, you’re quicker, you can save yourself from a fall. Say you trip in the street. If you’re doing more ballistic exercises, you’re going to be able to right yourself more quickly. So, explosive; that’s one category for beginners.
Also include upper body push movements, whether that be overhead or horizontal. So like pushups, or overhead press if you can do that. Bottoms up press is a good one for beginners, because it’s a good way to figure out if you’re shoulders are happy with overhead pressing. Upper body pulls, like some sort of row variation or pull-up variation.
I have a video E-course that launched this week that gave two of my favorite, we call them pregressions at my gym, with my husband, the Movement Minneapolis. One of our members is like, I don’t want to do a regression. This is a total side note.
Diane Sanfilippo: {laughs}
Jen Sinkler: But she’s like, I don’t want, that sounds bad! So we started calling them pregressions, and now everyone is happy.
Diane Sanfilippo: {laughs}
Jen Sinkler: So anyway. Box pull-ups. Like box assisted pull-ups, I like a little bit more than band assisted pull-ups. Because the bands abandon you, pun intended, when you need them the most. Like right in the middle, all of a sudden, they aren’t helping you finish the range of motion. Whereas if you’re doing a box assisted pull-up, and you’ve got a foot on a really tall box, and you can just give yourself a nudge through your sticking points, I really like that variation. And I really like jumping pull-ups.
So anyway, upper body pull, that’s a category. Then lower body pull, which is all things hingey and dead lifty. Like kettle bell swings, again can cross a category of explosive and lower body pull, all dead lift variations are pulls. Then you’ve got lower body push as a category, so that’s anything more knee dominant, like squats. Lower body pulls are hip dominant, that’s sort of an interchangeable term. Lower body push is knee dominant, so all squat motions are push.
And then last but not least, you’ve got this sort of catch all core category that involves rotation, antirotation, and carries. I love farmer’s carries for preventing back pain, preventing or alleviating back pain, actually, because they liven up your lumbar stabilizing muscles.
Diane Sanfilippo: That’s awesome. I think the only one that we really don’t do a lot of; I’m just going to touch on some Crossfit stuff a little bit, because that’s what I’ve been doing for a long time.
Jen Sinkler: Mm-hmm.
Diane Sanfilippo: But kind of like you, I’m a bit of a fitness eclectic. I don’t come from Crossfit, you know? {laughs}
Jen Sinkler: Right.
Diane Sanfilippo: I come from the depths of other gyms. I was gym girl for a long time, probably had every gym membership, and did every type of training and workout. I’ve done it all. Except I have never taken a Zumba class.
Jen Sinkler: {laughs} I haven’t; that’s like my one thing that I haven’t done.
Diane Sanfilippo: I feel like we should do that together {laughing} one day.
Jen Sinkler: Oh my god, let’s do that in Austin.
Diane Sanfilippo: Oh my gosh. I don’t know that that’s going to happen in Austin, but one day, it should happen. But I think the one thing we don’t do a lot of is rotation and antirotation, and that’s something that I’m a huge fan of. I went and just did a workout on my own today using a cable machine, and I like to twist, because I feel like I haven’t been doing it for so long. I love that too, and I love the carries.
And I think for people, I am not as much as I’ve been in the fitness world as kind of a consumer for a long time, I am not a fitness expert in terms of being a trainer, being able to educate and teach people a lot about it. But I think if people are getting started, and they want to work out on their own, that’s where a lot of stuff that you create, that’s exactly what it’s for. Somebody who, maybe they do go to a gym also with a coach, or a trainer, whatever, but if they’ve got a couple of days a week or even one day a week where they need to figure out something on their own.
The same way I write meal plans, and I don’t use them myself, but if somebody made a workout for me, or if I need a workout, I can look into stuff that you’ve written, and be like, ok what should I do, and I don’t have to question if I’m putting together some of those 6 categories properly, because I know that you’re already planning it that way. So I feel like that’s such a nice thing for beginners to hear those categories. And if they know what to do with it, great. But if they don’t know what to do with it, I love that that’s kind of the way that you put things together.
Jen Sinkler: Yep.
Diane Sanfilippo: It just makes it really easy. It’s like the macronutrients of movement.
Jen Sinkler: It is! It is exactly that. And a couple of things to build on this; you want to make sure that your basics are solid. And you want to find, even if you’re not going to work one on one with a personal trainer, which can be really expensive, or join a gym, which I totally think everyone should do for community and accountability piece. There are ways to do everything on mine if that’s what you need to do or want to do, if you’re trying to do it on the cheap or save some dollars on that, there are ways to do that. You can access continuity sites for more information. Some of the more advanced ones I would say would be like juggernaut training systems or But you can also buy more, I guess, beginner friendly programs. And Lift Weights Faster and Lift Weights Faster 2 that is one of those programs. I have 30 instructional videos on some of the more complicated lifts, and that’s one of the things that people have really liked about the program, and that’s the feedback I get. Like, thank you, I feel like my form is totally banging now.
Diane Sanfilippo: Mm-hmm. {Laughs}
Jen Sinkler: Which that’s the goal, I want people to feel safe in learning the exercises, and gain that confidence to be like, yeah I know what I’m doing here. And other programs, like say Neghar Fonooni’s Lean and Lovely is going to map out your plan for you. That’s one thing that I would say to beginners, too. You go in the gym, and you’re like, I don’t know… Again, you’re like, I guess I’ll do some bicep curls, because that’s the only thing that occurs to you. But if you have a plan, and you’ve got a way to learn to do the movements in the program, you’re so much better off. You’ve got this balanced, periodized program, and you’re well on your way to body change and strength building and all of the things that you’re after.
4. Power lifting, getting started and training [19:57]
Diane Sanfilippo: Awesome. So, let’s talk about power lifting.
Jen Sinkler: Ooh, ok.
Diane Sanfilippo: This is something that a lot of people asked about. How can people get into it, what should they know, and maybe a little bit on preventing injury and not getting too crazy with it.
Jen Sinkler: Power lifting is something I got into last summer, sort of entirely by accident. I mean, I got hooked on it by accident. I didn’t accidently enter a power lifting meet.
Diane Sanfilippo: {laughing} I filled out a form, I don’t know what it was for.
Jen Sinkler: I know! Oops! Although, that is how I entered a 5 mile race once when I thought I was entering a 5K. I think we talked about that on the last podcast.
Diane Sanfilippo: {laughing}
Jen Sinkler: So my attention to detail sometimes is lacking.
Diane Sanfilippo: Oops.
Jen Sinkler: Yeah. But power lifting. So I had entered a strong man competition, I think it was in June or July, because I have a friend, and I’ve told this story before, but she’s one of my old rugby friends. She equate endurance training with fitness, so she would constantly, after we retired from rugby, would be like, let’s enter a triathlon, let’s enter a half marathon, let’s enter a marathon. I was like, Pam, I’m never going to do those things with you. Never, ever.
Diane Sanfilippo: {laughs}
Jen Sinkler: She’s like, well what can we do? I was like, how about you come learn to lift. And she’s so good at it, she really took to it like a duck to water. Her body feels so much better, too. These activities that she said she loved we really hard on her body. That’s not what was best for her. But she’s been excellent at lifting. We entered a strong man contest, she was awesome at it. And then she was like, what should we do next. And so we decided as a lifting buddy group, power lifting would be next. So we just Googled a local meet. And we all entered it.
I didn’t really think that I would like it that much, because it’s 3 movements. Squat, bench, and deadlift. And I just thought, it didn’t seem terrible tactical, or engaging in the way that a lot of sports usually are. But it’s so much more those things than I ever anticipated. It helps, of course, that I’ve got this long time rival/really good friend who, we basically just try to beat each other in every power lifting meet. And now we’ve entered I think 3 together. I’ve entered 4 total. I was so hooked that I was entering them 2 months apart for the past 6 months, and now I’ve sworn them off till at least late summer, and probably nationals in October.
But, it’s been a lot of fun and it’s been another way to, and we started this whole thing at Movement Minneapolis, where now all of our gym members are entering the meets too. It’s a way of setting goals, especially for women, that focus on what they can do rather than what they can look like. Because what you can look like is not super motivating over the long term. It just isn’t. It’s not engaging, it doesn’t get you to the gym. You’re like, I want to get skinnier today, I better go to the gym, I can’t wait to get skinnier! I’m like, no that’s not exciting at all. But trying to work towards performance based goals, like a double body weight dead lift or something like that, that’s engaging. That gets people to the gym over and over and over.
We’ve started this whole movement, pun intended, at The Movement. We’ve started a power lifting team. And most of our team, by and large we have 17 lifters and 14 of them were women at this past meet.
Diane Sanfilippo: Wow.
Jen Sinkler: It’s awesome.
Diane Sanfilippo: So to get into it, you really just have to sign up for something, and be like, ok I’m doing this.
Jen Sinkler: Yeah.
Diane Sanfilippo: So what do people need to know, maybe about shifting up their training or kind of little details that maybe you wouldn’t have thought of.
Jen Sinkler: Again, your program is a really good starting point. You want to have a good program to be your basis. And then from there, we make tweaks. You know we’re very big on letting every person do variations that are good for them on a given day. So you might come in and it’s squat day, but front squats might test better based on our biofeedback test, than back squats do. So we let our members, and we encourage our members to roll with that. We find that that helps prevent overuse injuries. Because that’s the trick. When you’re training for power lifting, you can feel a little tweaky when you’re focusing on these big 3 lifts. It’s important to incorporate enough variation that you don’t end up breaking down.
So to periodize our program and to include that kind of variation, we use an intuitive training protocol to sort of prevent injury, keep the body feeling good. But also it’s important to just take breaks, too.
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5. All about intuitive training and rest and recovery [25:26]
Diane Sanfilippo: So, what is intuitive training? How does somebody do it? I know that we had a question also about rest, and you just said it’s important to take breaks, so let’s kind of touch on what intuitive training is. I think you mentioned it also in the previous interview, but I think people would be curious to hear more about that. And then what you really think about rest, and how much rest people need or recovery and all that.
Jen Sinkler: We did definitely talk about it in the last one. It’s one of those things that repeated touches is a good thing, because it’s a little like, what? What are you talking about? We use range of motion testing, which is a cousin of applied kinesiology, to determine which lifts, which exact variations all of our clients, and ourselves, do on any given day. So our programs are written in a different way than most gyms programs, Our members come into the gym, and there is a workout on the whiteboard, just like there is at Crossfit. But instead of saying “back squat”, it’s going to say “back squat/front squat/zercher squat” or something like that. There are going to be different variations. So we have to put options in for every movement category that we talked about earlier.
I’m just going to explain the operational logistics of how to test, and we’ll start there. You come in, you test your base range of motion, and then you do a couple reps of each of these variations, and you retest your range of motion after you’ve done each of the exercises. And whichever one increases your range of motion the most, that’s the one you’re going to do that day. Which sounds totally out there, and I get that. It was out there, it was hard for me to believe at first too, but this is the kind of training that got me out of pain. I saw it myself, I see it with our clients all the time.
It’s essentially a way for your body to red light or green light any movement on any given day. It’s a way for your body to communicate the things that we already know intuitively. Like this feels good, this was good for me today. Because everybody has had those workouts that you leave, and you’re like, I feel worse. I feel worse, I feel bad. That was so hard and, no I don’t think I should say that word.
Diane Sanfilippo: {laughing}
Jen Sinkler: Poopy. Poopy today. {laughs} But this is a way of leaving your workouts and being like, I feel better. That’s our main goal whether somebody’s goal is power lifting or just general health. Every single workout, we want them to leave feeling better.
And to roll in the rest day question, the answer to this one is, it depends. And I know that’s a frustrating answer to get, but it really does. It depends on your life stresses. It depends on how you’re eating, how you’re sleeping. Everything is cumulative. So you can’t come in and say, ok, I know I’m supposed to hit it today. Because if you slept like crap, and you ate like crap, that might not be the plan for your body that day. We have, in the past, sent members on a walk.
Diane Sanfilippo: {laughs}
Jen Sinkler: Like, ok, we’ll see you in an hour, because that’s what they need that day. They need to chill, they need to take a stroll, they need to breathe some fresh air. They don’t need to hammer themselves in the gym.
Diane Sanfilippo: I think that’s awesome. I’ve told the story a few times about when I was running Balanced Bites, it was a meal business years ago. I actually just posted an Instagram today, we got some meals from a local company doing that.
Jen Sinkler: {laughs} I saw that.
Diane Sanfilippo: It freaks me out, and kind of takes me back when I put the little containers in the fridge. I’m like, ah! I did this like 7, 8 years ago. It’s so crazy. I was like, what was I doing? What was I thinking? That I could have that business and grow it and do all the things that you need to do. I mean, I got it started, but man, I was just getting crushed energy wise doing it. Which brings me to my point, that I would cook meals 2 days a week, and it was a super intense, 6-8 hour shift of cooking, and just against the clock, adrenaline pumping. Literally the adrenaline I could feel, my heart rate, I felt like it was high the whole time I was in the kitchen, as if I was jogging on a treadmill. That’s how I felt, like I was doing that for 6 hours, or 8 hours at a time.
So I would go into the gym the next day, and I was working with my now friend and then friend and trainer Dave Engan in San Francisco, and he was like, dude what’s going on. {laughing} He could just see it on my face, which I’m sure you could tell with your clients when they come in. You just know these people so well, and we were not working out that day.
Jen Sinkler: Yep.
Diane Sanfilippo: And that was even with a one on one session. He was like, alright, we’re going to do a guided meditation today.
Jen Sinkler: That’s such a good trainer. That’s such a good trainer. That’s so rare.
Diane Sanfilippo: I miss that, but it was cool that I went in, and I was laid down on a mat that was a room that was like a quiet yoga room or something, and he just did this talk, whatever, I don’t know, he was talking about walking through a forest. I have no idea. He’s a really cool guy {laughs}.
Jen Sinkler: {laughing}
Diane Sanfilippo: He’s got a lot of stuff going on. But it was really neat. And that’s the kind of thing that I talk to people about a lot too, because I ebb and flow with how intensely I can train, and how often I get to the gym, and sometimes I just need to kind of take it easy and get in and be consistent that I show up and do something, but not always have to go super hard. I think that’s something, I don’t know if we have that in one of the questions, we have a huge list of questions here.
Jen Sinkler: No, we do. The paleo meals thing, they can come in handy. It’s funny you mention the stress and the exhilaration of trying to get everything done right before a deadline. I said I’m right in the middle of the Lift Weights Faster 2 launch, and I said I would learn all these lessons from the first one.
Diane Sanfilippo: {laughs}
Jen Sinkler: And I didn’t. There’s something about this process that’s serving me, clearly, to wait on the marketing pieces until it’s almost too late, and then it’s hurry, hurry, rush, rush, and get everything done. The workouts, those are the workouts that we use in the gym, it’s not the content that’s the hurry, hurry, rush, rush, it’s the marketing. I thought about ordering paleo meals for this week for the team, because last year we ate cookies and ice cream. Within our staff, we called it Get Fatter Faster instead Lift Weights Faster. Because that’s all we could manage at that point. We cut out exercise, and this, for the time being, this year is better. It is better than it was last year. But it’s still, I have dramatically reduced my exercise program, because I think when your life stress is super high, your workout stress needs to be super low. Otherwise, you’re going to flame out spectacularly.
6. Training while recovering from adrenal fatigue [32:25]
Diane Sanfilippo: That’s true, and we did have a question about how to exercise when recovering from adrenal fatigue. This kind of touches on the same thing, whether you are coming through a time of just some massive fatigue, where you’re like, I don’t even know how to get started because I feel like I have no energy and I just want to sit on the couch, or anything I go to do makes you feel worse. That’s kind of what you were saying, and I definitely went through, I’ve gone through a few different periods in my life where I’ve been super stressed out work wise, and it’s one of these things, it’s not necessarily just the work of it. It’s not, oh, why didn’t you do it sooner and not leave it to the last minute. It’s not even that. It’s the mental stress that this thing is now going to be out there for thousands of people.
Jen Sinkler: {laughs}
Diane Sanfilippo: It’s not even the work.
Jen Sinkler: Yeah.
Diane Sanfilippo: It’s just, shoot, if there’s a typo and that book is printed.
Jen Sinkler: You want it to be good.
Diane Sanfilippo: Yeah, you want it to be good, and you want people to love it. So it’s not even the work itself, it’s like the personal pressure and stress of it. I don’t know of any other way to alleviate it. But we have people who are dealing with that kind of thing, we have people who are dealing with tons of people who listen to this show; autoimmune conditions, and they’ve had a flare where there’s Hashimoto’s or something else. Something went on, and they’re just like, I need to get started again, they don’t know what to do. One of the things I always tell people, even though I’m not a fitness professional, but I’m…
Jen Sinkler: You know a lot of stuff.
Diane Sanfilippo: I do a lot of this stuff, so I speak from experience. But I know how it works with nutrition; just because you eat doesn’t make you an expert on nutrition, it can make you an expert on what you eat.
Jen Sinkler: {laughs}
Diane Sanfilippo: So I’m an expert on how I train. But one of the things that I have always had to focus on, and I definitely want to hear your approach to this and what you do for yourself and your clients, which you just touched on anyway. But I try to do work that will not put me in that adrenaline mode, where you just feel your heart pumping for a long period of time. And for a long period of time means a minute or more.
Jen Sinkler: Yep. Yep.
Diane Sanfilippo: It can be a few seconds where you just hit that point, and you’re like, ok let me cycle that intensity. That doesn’t necessarily mean high intensity interval training, because that’s a very high heart rate for a short amount of time relative to what other types of training are, but it’s still too long for you. So when you’re dealing with adrenal fatigue, it’s kind of like your body has been living in that adrenaline state for too long somehow. And it’s that stress mode; you’ve put your stress capacity up to 100% and anything you do that’s pushing it higher, you’re just going to push yourself over capacity, and it’s not going to help you get stronger or recover.
So that’s kind of the way I will approach it. I tell people, don’t be lifting 90-100% of what you can. Take it down. I think, personally, just being consistent. This is what I’m doing for myself right now. I’ve been kind of out of it for a couple of months since I’m traveling a lot, and I’m just not consistent. I just have to be consistent. I just have to get in there as many days as I can. Like you said, if I end up walking or I end up doing something, I just have to make sure I make time for the movement, and the results will come. It’s like with paleo; you don’t have to be 100% strict all the time, but you just have to be really consistent. So how do you approach that?
Jen Sinkler: Consistency is absolutely the root of all fitness success, I absolutely agree with that. As far as adrenal fatigue goes, I love, love, love what Jade Teta, he’s a naturopath and the found of Metabolic Effect in North Carolina, I love what he says about this. And I’ve interviewed him on this topic, so I’m pretty much going to synopsize what he told me for your listeners. So he says very long duration exercise can further disrupt and worsen the condition; it can reflare it. Because you need to essentially retrain both the sympathetic nervous system and the parasympathetic nervous system. Because you have taught yourself that it’s never ok to chill. So now you’ve got to teach yourself to chill. He likes really short bursts of high intensity exercise, and then complete recovery between them. So that you’re essentially teaching yourself; ok, it’s go time! And now it’s rest time. And I think that’s really valuable. That’s a way I hadn’t thought of it before.
Diane Sanfilippo: That’s really interesting. I think if I leave myself to my own devices, which I think we can talk about the question about group fitness and how all that works next because it’s kind of on the heels of this other topic; if I leave myself to my own devices, that’s kind of how I’ll train right now. If I just show up at a gym and nobody’s told me what I should do, I’ll go in. I mean, what I just did today was like that. It was kind of little bursts of energy, and then I just kind of stand there {laughing} and catch my breath.
Jen Sinkler: Yes! That’s perfect.
Diane Sanfilippo: Or I’ll sit there.
Jen Sinkler: Well, that’s intuition piece, right?
Diane Sanfilippo: It’s so funny because years and years ago, I used to watch people at the gym and I’d be like, what is that person doing, just standing around. {laughing} And now I’m that girl who’s just standing there. I’m like, I’ve got my ear plugs in, nobody talk to me. I’m just chilling out between the lifts. And I feel like that helps a lot. It’s a really big important piece for people to remember that you can still get work done and still achieve new levels of fitness while you’re recovering a little bit.
But I’m with you too on the whole strength training thing. I think if you like to do cardio kickboxing or Zumba or something, is that considered calisthenics? Or just aerobics?
Jen Sinkler: I think we can categorize that under the aerobics category.
Diane Sanfilippo: Ok, so aerobics. That can be great for fun, and it can be great for cardiovascular fitness.
Jen Sinkler: Mm-hmm.
Diane Sanfilippo: I went in and took cardio kickboxing, and I was like, wow this used to be a lot easier {laughs}. And I hadn’t done it in a long time. It wasn’t so bad. I did alright. I kept up with it. But it was like I could definitely not do that every day given the state of my stress levels, you know. It really pushes the intensity to the 60-70-80 percentish for the whole time instead of that 80-90 for very short, and then come back down. So I love that, I think that’s a great way to look at things.
Jen Sinkler: Well it’s all about balancing the pieces of your life, right? If you have hobbies; my husband sky dives. And when we first started dating, he asked me to go sky diving with him, and I went. I guess that was a year into our dating, or something. I was just about to leave my job, or had just left my job at Experience Life Magazine as their fitness editor. So I was working for myself for the very first time, which is a stressful situation. I’m like, am I making a mess here? {laughs} It’s fun, it’s awesome, there’s lots of work to do. But you never know when to stop, and think being an entrepreneur is an interesting choice, and it changes the whole trajectory of your life. And I think for a lot of us, it means that our hobbies need to balance that out and need to be more chill. So sky diving was not the right choice for me.
Diane Sanfilippo: {laughing}
Jen Sinkler: I was terrified throughout the whole class, and then it was too windy, so I had to wait a week to do my sky dive. You go through this class so you can jump by yourself, by the way. So there was this added element of, I don’t think I should be in charge of this canopy, of driving the canopy.
Diane Sanfilippo: Ugh.
Jen Sinkler: It was the landing that was really freaking me out. So then there was a whole extra week of anticipation. And the sky dive itself was really enjoyable. It was not that bad. I landed it, and it was fine. But there’s that relief. I don’t need to do that over and over. I don’t need a hobby that terrifies me.
Diane Sanfilippo: Yeah.
Jen Sinkler: Yeah, so that’s my spiel on find balance.
Diane Sanfilippo: Yeah, sometimes as an entrepreneur the unfortunate side is that your hobby ends up becoming the thing that you’re now using to earn money.
Jen Sinkler: Yeah.
Diane Sanfilippo: And for me, cooking is totally a hobby and I love it. If someone said, if you were going to wake up, what would you do that would be super fun, I would cook and I would go to the gym. And I would probably go shopping. {laughs}
Jen Sinkler: Yeah.
Diane Sanfilippo: And get my nails done. {laughing}
Jen Sinkler: Yes!
Diane Sanfilippo: Pretty much. And I love all of the tech stuff that we do with the business and all this stuff, but if I’m just going to pick what I’m going to do, I’m super relaxed just cooking, and tasting it, and feeding people. But then add on top of that taking a picture against you know daylight hours running out, and making sure the food still looks good, and it’s hot when you want to eat it, and writing down the recipe and all of that. I’m not complaining; I’m so fortunate to have this work. But, that now turns something that I love into something that puts me into the adrenaline state again, where I’m like ahhh stressed out doing it. So it’s a really tough call to balance all of that. But with your training, it’s really important to not crush that adrenaline all the time.
7. Weight lifting group classes and Crossfit [41:31]
Diane Sanfilippo: A couple of questions that we have here, one is about group classes that are strength, or weight lifting classes. Is it ok to do that stuff in a group? How do you think people should look at that? And I think we can roll that into some questions just about Crossfit, because I know it’s kind of the biggest thing people have questions about too, if we’re picking one track of fitness that people who listen to our show are pretty into.
Jen Sinkler: I saw that question. It’s something along the lines of, are group classes that focus on weight lifting, are they a good option.
Diane Sanfilippo: Yeah.
Jen Sinkler: The answer is hell yeah!
Diane Sanfilippo: {laughs}
Jen Sinkler: The best results of my life, personally, started when I began at a gym called Urban Athlete, which Jason C. Brown and Pamela MacElree when I lived in Philadelphia. And from there, I transitioned to Crossfit, and from there I transitioned to Movement Minneapolis, and now I’m still working out with a group of people, my fitness buddies, which is like a class. But the accountability and the community that’s involved when you’re working out in a group is huge. The people who are saying, why didn’t I see you on Monday, where were you?
Diane Sanfilippo: Yeah {laughs}
Jen Sinkler: You start looking forward to your workouts in a way that you’re like, I’m going to go hang out with my friends now. That becomes a social activity. So group fitness classes, and group fitness classes that focuses on weight lifting, in particular lifting weights, that’s the best of all possible worlds. You’re going to build muscles, you’re going to do extremely useful exercise, very useful exercise in a very short period of time. The classes are usually an hour long.
Diane Sanfilippo: I think one of the things that people are curious about when it comes to something like Crossfit, is it safe or effective to lift weights when you’re in a group and somebody can’t be watching you specifically all the time, and I think that’s something that’s kind of on a case by case basis with different gyms.
Jen Sinkler: It is.
Diane Sanfilippo: You have to just get a feel for it. Just because there’s a lot of people and only a couple of trainers doesn’t mean that they’re not able to watch you. Some of them are great at it. Some of them aren’t as great at it. Sometimes it’s one coach and 30 or more people.
Jen Sinkler: Ugh.
Diane Sanfilippo: And that might not be great. I know that typically at our gym, if there’s 20-25 or I think we max out at 25 in a class, but there’s always at least 2 coaches there.
Jen Sinkler: Yes.
Diane Sanfilippo: One main one and an assistant, and they’re walking around. That way if there’s anybody really new, they can get a little bit of extra attention because they need it. Even if they’ve gone through the essentials, and they’ve learned the basics that way for a couple of weeks, people still can’t remember what a snatch or a clean and jerk is {laughs}. I remember those days when I first went to Crossfit, I was like, shoot which one is that again?
Jen Sinkler: {laughing}
Diane Sanfilippo: Now it seems so funny that you were like, really, they’re so different.
Jen Sinkler: Everybody gets that. It’s overwhelming!
Diane Sanfilippo: It doesn’t make any sense at first, you know?
Jen Sinkler: It doesn’t, and the new people inevitably get a little more attention than the ones who are old hat. But you need a little less attention when you’ve getting in the groove. You’re getting a bunch of work done. It can be as simple as a cue; Sarah, keep your chest up. And then I’m done coaching that person.
Diane Sanfilippo: Right.
Jen Sinkler: I don’t personally like to see ratios of more than 10 to 1. I want there to be at least 1 coach for every 10 people in a class. That’s sort of my earmark. And that’s the way; did I say earmark? I’ve lost so many words.
Diane Sanfilippo: {laughs}
Jen Sinkler: Over the course of this launch. I’m just talking nonsense. So I apologize for that. In any case, it’s also how I do my fitness workshops, my strength workshops that I do around the country. I cap it based on how many coaches I’m going to have. And if I know that I want to have 30 people, then I make sure I have at least 2 co-coaches.
8. Training and movement before, during, and after pregnancy [45:25]
Diane Sanfilippo: Awesome. So we have a bunch of questions about different types of populations, and I think a bunch of people had similar questions. We had a couple from women asking about pre-pregnancy, also during pregnancy and after. Different types of training, or things they should kind of look out for or movements, etc., to either avoid or include. Can you talk about that a little bit?
Jen Sinkler: My best recommendation for both prenatal and postpartum exercise is go to Jessie Mundell’s website. It’s This is her entire specialty, training women who are pregnant or who were pregnant. She talks a lot about how the goal is to reprogram the pelvic floor and the abdominal muscles.
The general consensus of when you’re pregnant; I shouldn’t say the general. The newer consensus is you can continue doing what you have been doing. It’s not a great time to launch into a brand new high intensity program, but you can continue on with what you’ve been doing. That’s my understanding of the research that’s out there right now. Once you’re postpartum, the goal is to reprogram the pelvic floor and the abs, to reteach breathing, and I got this really great drill. Shoot, who did I get this one from? I think this one was from Anne Wendell, who is a physical therapist and covers a lot of this stuff too. I’m sure you know Anne. But push out like you’re going to pee when you inhale, which seems backwards; so you push out like you’re going to pee, and then draw up, like you’re stopping you’re flow on the exhale.
Diane Sanfilippo: Everybody is trying to do that in their car right now.
Jen Sinkler: I know. I’m actually…
Diane Sanfilippo: I’m trying to do it.
Jen Sinkler: {laughs}
Diane Sanfilippo: It’s like, uh… {laughs}
Jen Sinkler: I’m trying to do it right now while I’m talking to you. It’s really good for SI joint pain, for solving pelvic floor problems. The problem is, however, is that everybody is a little bit different, so it depends on if you’ve got, and I can never say this term, is it diastasis recti? How do you say that?
Diane Sanfilippo: I don’t know, I’m not an anatomy expert.
Jen Sinkler: I’m going to call it DR from here on out.
Diane Sanfilippo: {laughs} ok.
Jen Sinkler: It’s when your abs split, though.
Diane Sanfilippo: Oh.
Jen Sinkler: It’s when your abs tear apart, and you get that separation.
Diane Sanfilippo: Yeah, I’ve seen that.
Jen Sinkler: What’s good in those situations, if that’s happened with you, is really low level, dead bug exercises. Side planks, pallof presses.
Diane Sanfilippo: Did you say dead bug?
Jen Sinkler: Yeah, dead bugs!
Diane Sanfilippo: {laughing}
Jen Sinkler: So you’re on the ground. I have dead bugs in a lot of my circuits, too, for Lift Weights Faster. You’re lying on your back, both your arms and legs are pointed towards the ceiling, and then very slowly you’re going to lower, keeping your arms and legs straight, you’re going to lower your opposite arm, opposite leg towards the floor, only as far as you can without your lower back popping up. I would say pretend you are very thirsty and you’ve got to make wine, so you’re going to crush grapes under your low back. And then you’re going to alternate; bring them back up to point the arms and legs both facing the ceiling again. And then alternate; opposite arm, opposite leg. Only as far, lower to the ground only as far as you can without your low back popping up. So, it’s a lot about sort of reconnecting all the muscles in the core to work together again.
So yeah, dead bugs, side planks, pallof presses, and again, carry exercises. Carries are great. Farmer carry, racked carry, waiter carry, etc. Some exercises that Jessie says to avoid if this occurs to you, the DR, anything on all fours, front loaded planks, or any supine crunching or flexion movements, like sit-ups and that kind of thing.
Diane Sanfilippo: Awesome. So this kind of ties back to what we were talking about with the post adrenal fatigue movement, but when I was talking about my trainer, the reason why he had that experience of how to work with me when I really couldn’t do the whole workout thing is that he was trained as a CHEK practitioner. I think there are CHEK practitioners around the country; they’re definitely easier to find in California, because they’re certification headquarters is in San Diego, or that area. There are a lot of them overseas, as well. I know in the London area he’s pretty popular. But Paul Chek is super knowledgeable on all of this stuff too when it comes to any corrective movement.
And part of the whole postpartum thing, correcting any of the pelvic floor issues, and all of that, I know every check trainer I’ve worked with, two or three different ones when I’ve lived in different places, they all do the same kind of thing like you’re talking about, where it’s really just slow controlled movements and just getting your muscles to work the right way again. I think we have so many listeners to this show who are into Crossfit, and I think understanding that there’s so much more to fitness than just going hard, getting your body working and moving right, or working in balance, or just correcting those imbalances before you build more strength is always a good idea. I always want to encourage people to find somebody, a really experienced trainer who can help you do a lot of corrective work before you go to really intense stuff. Especially if you have injuries or if you are postpartum, I just think that’s a really good time to look into it.
I know that a lot of the, we affectionately call them Chekies, a lot of Chekies definitely specialize in that type of work. So they are ready to have you come in. You’ll be sore the next day, and you’re body will change, but you won’t be dripping sweat and panting, you won’t even know what happen. Some of the work I did with Dave, exactly what you were saying, he would put this little bladder thing behind my back, like an air bladder, and have me do different movements, and be like the pressure you’re putting on that bladder can’t change. So I had to maintain my lumbar curve, or flat, however it was, I had to maintain it, so that was all of the work was happening in my core all over every different little abdominal muscle that’s in there was doing the work, and my arms and legs were moving. It’s cool stuff, and the next day I was like, oh my god I feel like I did 4,000 crunches, but I was barely moving. It was like a laying down workout.
Jen Sinkler: Yes, exactly!
Diane Sanfilippo: I was like, great I just laid down and I’m really sore! {laughs}
Jen Sinkler: Exactly. And that brings up a good point. That sort of pelvic floor health situation isn’t just limited to expecting mothers or mothers. A lot of women, there’s this thing where I pee when I jump, and it’s not normal. I asked, again Anne Wendell, to write a blog for me, a guest blog for me, and it’s called curing a case of the workout pees I believe.
Diane Sanfilippo: Yeah {laughs}
Jen Sinkler: It’s one of my most popular blog posts, because it’s such a common condition. And she says common doesn’t mean normal. She’s another really good resource on pelvic floor health, as is Katy Bowman.
Diane Sanfilippo: Mm-hmm. Yeah, we’ve interviewed her on the show at least once.
Jen Sinkler: Oh, she’s so good. She’s so good. I ordered her DVD, Down There for Women, which is a fun package to get in the mail.
Diane Sanfilippo: {laughs} And an awesome title.
Jen Sinkler: {laughs} I know, I like it.
9. Training and coaching for teens [52:38]
Diane Sanfilippo: Alright, so I think we’ve just got a couple more. Another specific population that we have folks asking about, training for teens. Is there something different they should do? And then somebody asked, is there a viable market for coaching teens? I don’t know if they’re a trainer who wants to specialize in coaching teens, but what are your thoughts on training and coaching for teens?
Jen Sinkler: As for whether there’s a market for coaching teens, that largely depends on if you can get teams, with an M not an N, into your facility. If you’ve got that kind of space. Because there are plenty of parents who will shell out the big bucks for making their kid, you know.
Diane Sanfilippo: Yeah, one on one.
Jen Sinkler: Yeah, or even in a team setting where they’re wanting their kid to be a really great athlete. So it’s kind of a problem, I’m sort of reluctant to give this advice, because a lot of parents take it and run and then we end up with a sport specificity at too young an age problem. It’s like, no you want your kid to play every sport. If he or she wants to, that is. But early specialization is an issue, and it can lead to a lot of injuries in kids, so that’s what we don’t want with kids in strength training and sports in particular, is we don’t want early specialization at all. Some of the best athletes, most well rounded athletes, and most injury free athletes are the ones who’ve played the biggest variety of sports when they were growing up.
As far as weight training goes, it is not nearly the safety concern it’s made out to be. Everyone is super worried about growth plates etc., etc., and parents are really concerned about adding weight to movement. But doing that kind of training can actually prevent injury, especially if you’re training for ACL injury prevention and strengthening the muscles for both jumping and landing and that kind of thing.
Solid technique is super critical, though. You want them to learn good form from an early age. And like anybody, you want to not just go in and fling weights around with no training.
Diane Sanfilippo: {laughs} Yeah, I’ve definitely seen, obviously much younger. You know, younger kids are great at all kinds of acrobatic movements, but to connect their body to a barbell or some other weight, their hand eye coordination. Or just kinesthetic awareness.
Jen Sinkler: Mm-hmm.
Diane Sanfilippo: They look totally disconnected. I’m like, I don’t know, their hand is going a totally different direction than their shoulder. I’m like, what’s happening? They just look like jelly.
Jen Sinkler: Oh my goodness. {laughs} Kids are so hard to coach.
Diane Sanfilippo: Yeah, they just seem so wobbly and wiggly. {laughs} But then, I remember back in high school we used to weight train for the soccer team, and volleyball, and I’m like, this is where the quads came from, from the weight room.
Jen Sinkler: Yeah.
Diane Sanfilippo: All the way back from the time I was 14 or 15 years old. That’s a long time of weight training. Knock on wood, my giant dining room table here, I’ve never had any major injuries. I don’t play sports that are very dangerous now, but I’ve done Crossfit for about 5 years, and because I’m not a jerk about how I train.
Jen Sinkler: {laughing}
Diane Sanfilippo: I don’t have an ego about it.
Jen Sinkler: You really don’t, it’s nice.
Diane Sanfilippo: Thanks. I don’t get hurt. And again, knock on wood, but if something really hurts, or I’m like, this doesn’t feel right, I just stop. I get pissed off about it, because I’m like, ugh I really wanted to snatch today, or whatever it was, but I stop because it’s not worth doing it today and then not doing it for 6 weeks. I’d rather come back in 3 days and do it when I’m not in this weird random pain is that I’m feeling, you know {laughs}
Jen Sinkler: Yeah.
Diane Sanfilippo: I’ll get adjusted or I’ll have Scott work on it, he does ART on whichever part that is actually causing the impingement, or whatever is happening, and I just not be a jerk about it, and it all works out.
Jen Sinkler: Yeah, I’m the same way, but I’m always surprised how explicit you have to be with that advice. Don’t do anything that hurts, ever.
Diane Sanfilippo: No.
Jen Sinkler: Even if it’s just like, oh, I don’t know, it’s kind of uncomfortable; that’s under the umbrella of, ‘it hurts, don’t do it.’ And I’m not talking about, ok, you’re pushing yourself a little bit.
Diane Sanfilippo: Yeah, like muscle soreness, you’re training, yeah your muscles get tired. For me, it’s those sharp, like, what was that?! You know?
Jen Sinkler: Yeah. Exactly.
Diane Sanfilippo: Whoa, where did that come from!
Jen Sinkler: Pay attention to that. Don’t push through that.
Diane Sanfilippo: Yeah.
Jen Sinkler: Have you heard of, back to the teens just for a moment, have you heard of the IYCA? It’s
Diane Sanfilippo: No.
Jen Sinkler: That’s a really good organization for finding resources about training kids. I had interviewed Brian Grasso who used to be the CEO of that organization about this topic, and a very specific thing that he said that I remember is that he transitions kids from unweighted exercises to weighted exercise at around age 9.
Diane Sanfilippo: Mm-hmm.
Jen Sinkler: Not full time; his recommendation was no more than 20% of the time. But it’s that early.
Diane Sanfilippo: Right.
Jen Sinkler: It’s that not scary for kids to lift weights. And I think programs like Crossfit Kids are sort of showing the way on that, too, and I think they’re doing a lot of positive work in that area.
Diane Sanfilippo: Yeah, and I’ve definitely seen teams, t-e-a-m-s, as you said.
Jen Sinkler: {laughs}
Diane Sanfilippo: Training. I think there have been a couple of different types of teams who have come into our gym, and I’ve definitely seen that as something that’s happening more often. I could see that as having been something that when I was in high school, if we did any auxiliary training, to be able to do that kind of cross functional training from soccer, from volleyball, so you’re not just doing the same sport all the time. You get a different type of fitness.
So, I think; gosh we have a lot more questions, but I don’t want to take up too much more of your time. Do you have time for like 2 more questions?
Jen Sinkler: Oh my gosh, let’s do it.
Diane Sanfilippo: Ok. And then, I’m just going to throw this out there. We have a bunch of questions about nutrition on here, and sports nutrition, and I covered that actually. We’re going to talk about Lift Weights Faster 2; I actually covered a lot about the questions that y’all are asking in the accompaniment, the nutrition portion, of Lift Weights Faster, the original program, which I think you can get to if you are getting Lift Weights Faster 2, and eventually you’ll be able to get Eat Better Faster on its own from me, but I don’t know when that’s going to happen, so y’all just keep asking and whenever we finish things, we get to the other things.
Jen Sinkler: Yes.
Diane Sanfilippo: So it’s been on the back burner for a long time.
Jen Sinkler: I have bad news for your readers, and that’s that Eat Better Faster, we’re hoarding that for right now. They’re all lined up right now waiting for you to release it.
Diane Sanfilippo: Oh. So now everybody’s waiting. Ok.
Jen Sinkler: Yep. {laughing} But it’s such good stuff you guys, you need to pick it up when Diane releases it again.
10. Tips for type 1 diabetics [59:31]
Diane Sanfilippo: The only thing that you’ll be able to get; well we’ll talk about it later. So let me get to these last couple of questions here. There was one that was about, let’s see, I think it about going back to special populations, type 1 diabetics. Someone who has asked a bunch of different people their thoughts on how to train if they’re having some different blood sugar issues. I think her question was specifically the effects of high intensity interval training, HIIT training, or Crossfit on blood sugar, and what to do if it’s high or if it’s low, or whatever. Do you have some experience with that, or is there a resource you like to point people to on that?
Jen Sinkler: Well, with anybody who is coming in with any sort of preexisting conditions, I like to have a conversation with them about how best to manage them. Oftentimes, that means working with them and their healthcare practitioner’s recommendations to find the best strategy for them, specific to them. We like to take a very individualized approach, even though at Movement Minneapolis, we do group training, we still want people to do what’s best for them, what’s best for their bodies, and will very often go off plan, even if it’s in a group class setting. Like I said earlier, if that means that somebody needs to take it easier that day, that’s exactly what we’ll do.
Diane Sanfilippo: Pete’s Paleo is a friend of the Balanced Bites podcast. They’re bacon is insanely delicious, and sugar free, and their premade paleo meals make your life so much easier when everything is getting busy and getting real food on the table is still a top priority, as it should be. Pete’s paleo is now offering a 30-day gut healing kit containing bone broth, gelatin gummies, instant organic soup packs, and an E-cookbook. It’s the perfect complement to any anti-inflammatory diet. Get yours today at Use code GRABACUPPABROTH to get $25 off; that’s an amazing deal. It’s GRABACUPPABROTH, cuppa. And you can grab that code at any time at to just read and make sure you’re typing it in right. You can also use code BALANCEDBITES to get $5 off any of their regular meal plans. Check out today. Pete’s Paleo; bringing fine dining to your cave.
Diane Sanfilippo: I’m of the mindset where, you know how your fitness routine is affecting your blood sugar. Even if you let your trainer know that some days it’s going to need to vary, and you just give them the heads up, you have to manage that. There is so much self reliance when it comes to all of this, and self responsibility. It happens with nutrition, too. It’s like, I can tell you what to eat, but if you’re still hungry, you need to eat more than that. If you’re blood sugar is going crazy, and your trainer was trying to help you and it’s not working, you still need to have that personal responsibility and take control of what’s happening with your workout.
I think a lot of us we like to put that responsibility in the hands of our coach or trainer, and I think that a lot of what happens, the same thing happens with nutrition, is when we shift most of that responsibility to somebody else, we also shift a lot of the power there, so if something doesn’t go right, it’s like we’re not to blame. So I think it’s really important to own your part in that, because if something is not going how you want or expect, you have to own your part in it. We’re all responsible for the way that we move, we’re responsible for what we eat, we’re responsible for all of that stuff. Even if we’re in a class, even if we’re following somebody else’s nutrition plan. We still have to make choices for ourselves within that. I think that’s a really important piece to it.
Jen Sinkler: Yeah, I agree completely.
11. Thoughts on supplements and fat burners [1:03:09]
Diane Sanfilippo: Let’s see what else we have here. Oh, this last question is totally, it’s kind of random but I liked it. I think we both had it on a list here of ones we wanted to try and cover. I don’t remember what her name was here, but she wanted to know your thoughts on fat burners. I think she means supplements, maybe CLA, things like that. Any knowledge or expertise you have on that, she said I know a lot of personal trainers recommend using them, along with a lot of other supplements. What are your thoughts?
Jen Sinkler: I get this question a lot. People will send me, I’ll make up some names, like Afterburn Effect extreme, and it’s that kind of cheesy fat burner, and for me it’s just a no way. I got asked this enough over the years, that I was like, I’m going to try these out and see how it does, learn by doing. For me, it messed up my sleep so significantly, and they can also make you feel dependent and jittery, even if you’re taking them in the morning. I don’t know, for me good sleep is going to make so much more of a difference in your training than any sort of supplement ever could. You have to move the big rocks. Don’t worry so much about the fat burners; that’s not a big rock. Eat well, train well, sleep well, chill well.
Diane Sanfilippo: I love that. I think actually the sleep well portion of it is so big. I’m doing some experimenting on myself lately with taking my basal body temperature, for the opposite fertility planning stuff.
Jen Sinkler: {laughing}
Diane Sanfilippo: {laughs} Most women take their temperature because they want to see when they can get pregnant, and I’m like, I don’t want to have kids, it’s just not in my plans. But I find it really fascinating, and what I‘m finding is, on the days where I don’t get as much sleep or not as good quality sleep, it’s lower, and on days where I have better days its higher, and what that means is my metabolism is higher if I have better sleep. So that means you’re naturally burning fat better if you have more sleep that’s better. That’s what’s working for me, at least.
Jen Sinkler: Super interesting.
Diane Sanfilippo: What?
Jen Sinkler: Super interesting.
Diane Sanfilippo: It is interesting. And for me, that’s about as far as I’ll go with biohacking {laughs}
Jen Sinkler: {laughing}
Diane Sanfilippo: I’m like, eh. That’s about enough. Yeah.
Jen Sinkler: Yeah.
12. Lift Weights Faster 2 [1:05:21]
Diane Sanfilippo: Interesting stuff. Why don’t you tell people about Lift Weights Faster 2, because of course, we’re excited about that. Tell folks all about it, and all the details on that, because it actually is launching this week, is actually the official launch week. So people just have a couple of days to get in on your special deal.
Jen Sinkler: This is launching tomorrow. I can’t believe it’s already here. It is a 180 workout collection that gets you into this anaerobic state that we’ve been talking about, this high intensity state so that you burn fat, build muscle, and even help build mobility to build this strong, balanced body. I get this a lot; people are like, is this the same as Crossfit? And there is a lot of Crossfit where, it’s circuit training. Neither Crossfit nor I invented circuit training. It’s circuit training and sprinting mostly. But the difference between Lift Weights Faster and most Crossfit facilities that I’ve been to is that I involve a lot more planes of motion. We’re not going to just do sagittal or forwards and backwards plane movements. There’s a lot of rotation, antirotation, and frontal plane movements in the program.
Every single workout, all 180 of them, are brand new. They haven’t been published anywhere before. They’re all quick, to the point, and they’re really, really fun. They can be added as finishers at the end of more traditional strength workouts, so you can combine it with your traditional strength program, or you can do them on your own. You can create a standalone program. We’ve also offered no assembly required, which comes with 4 different calendars so that everything is plotted out for you if you don’t want to pick them yourself.
Every single workout is organized by 6 categories of equipment, and those categories are body weight, minimal equipment, dumbbell, kettle bell, barbell, and full gym. Which means that at least half of them you can take and do almost anywhere, which is really good for a lot of people who travel a lot.
We’ve also categorized it by your experience level this year; this is new from Lift Weights Faster 1. All the workouts are different, by the way, from Lift Weights Faster 1 to Lift Weights Faster 2, but now we’ve also categorized them by experience level; beginner, intermediate, or advanced. And then, as before, we’ve categorized them, also, by the amount of time you have, from under 10 minutes, under 20 minutes, and under 30 minutes. And none of them are any longer than that; we’re all about the quick workout.
Diane Sanfilippo: I love it.
Jen Sinkler: Also, it’s 181 workouts, I lied, not 180. I don’t want to forget the last one!
Diane Sanfilippo: Over 180 workouts!
Jen Sinkler: Yeah, there we go.
Diane Sanfilippo: That’s awesome. I know if people are on my emailing list, they already got a little note about the previews. I know there were a bunch of video previews that people had, and I don’t know if they’ll be able to get that by the time this airs, it will be Thursday, so you’ll have, I think today and tomorrow, you said by the end of Friday, the early bird price will go away, but people can definitely still check out Lift Weights Faster 2., we’ll have a link to it right from the show notes. I think we’ll probably have a special bonus for people who order it from my link; I will probably be able to give you guys the bonus guide that I threw in with Eat Better Faster, it was called Cook Meals Faster, and it was a whole bunch of just my best tips on how to get food on the table faster.
Jen Sinkler: {laughs}
Diane Sanfilippo: Pun intended.
Jen Sinkler: People went wild for that; they loved it.
Diane Sanfilippo: Yeah, it’s awesome. I actually had a really good time writing it, because I hadn’t ever just sat down to put it all in one place, and you forced me to do that.
Jen Sinkler: {laughs}
Diane Sanfilippo: I did write out a whole sort of sports nutrition program in Eat Better Faster which I know, when I do get that out I know people are excited about it, but kind of how to time your meals, and I know people love that too, just getting some kind of idea around it. Because again, we do this stuff, it’s stuff that I do naturally, I don’t really think about it when I work out and I eat certain things before and certain things after. It’s intuitive for me at this point, but I know a lot of people just aren’t there yet, or they’ve never thought about it, or haven’t figured it out. So I will get that out to people eventually.
I’m really excited. I know Lift Weights Faster was amazing, and they love it. They love being able to add it to. If you do Crossfit, I know this was a question we had last time, can you add this into the mix? Of course, if you’re traveling, or if you just don’t feel like going to Crossfit that day, you want to do something at home, or if you have another gym membership, I don’t know, if you’re one of the crazy ones who was like me {laughs}. When I lived in San Francisco, I had like 3 gym memberships.
Jen Sinkler: Been there. Yep.
Diane Sanfilippo: It’s just, I don’t know, we do that, right?
Jen Sinkler: Variety is yay.
Diane Sanfilippo: See? So, if you just want to mix it up, I’m definitely going to be tapping into some of those workouts because I’m mixing it up myself, I’m working with a coach one on one a couple of days a week, but I’m also taking myself to the gym probably 3 or 4 days a week, and I am going to be grabbing some of those workouts, because I can walk in there any given day and just make it up, but there are some days where I’m so brain dead, I’m like, now I’m here, now what do I do. {laughs} So having all that stuff available at your fingertips.
It’s a whole membership site, right, so once you’re logged in, you can grab the workouts and just kind of pop it on your phone and be able to do it right from wherever you are, right?
Jen Sinkler: Yep. I’ve got mine saved on iBooks.
Diane Sanfilippo: Oh, awesome.
Jen Sinkler: I hear what you’re saying about the brain dead thing. I take Lift Weights Faster with me when I go places, so I can go to a hotel gym and pull up Lift Weights Faster workouts and not have to make them up from scratch.
The other thing I didn’t mention is that the exercise library is huge. It’s like 270 exercises. It’s learning how to do 270 different exercises. The written descriptions and photo demonstrations; we get feedback on that all the time, which is not something I anticipated before the launch of the first one. But people were like, I would buy just that. Because it’s like I’m giving them a full education.
Diane Sanfilippo: Well, I was in the gym this morning trying to do a kettle bell windmill thing.
Jen Sinkler: Yeah!
Diane Sanfilippo: A thing, I call it, because I’m like, I don’t know what I was doing. But I moved my body in that way without the kettle bell first, so I was like, let me see if this even works to actually move this way and hold my arm up there what I think I’m supposed to do, but I have no idea if I was doing it right. I just took a really light kettle bell, I’m like, let me just do a few of these to get a feel for it. But now I’m like, I really need to see if I’m doing this right. {laughs}
Jen Sinkler: I’ve got the video tutorial on windmills, and as part of my video E-course, if people listening sign up for the video E-course, which is free and you get a bunch of other bonus workouts. If you could just go to right now, then there is a tutorial on windmill training right now.
Diane Sanfilippo: Oh, awesome. And I think anybody who was on my emailing list, if you got my email on Sunday, I think I linked to it from there. So there was a whole picture of Jen in my email.
Jen Sinkler: {laughs}
Diane Sanfilippo: Cool. Well, it’s been really fun having you back again. So you’re going to be in Austin, right?
Jen Sinkler: I’m going to be in Austin, and we are going to hug so hard, it’s going to be great.
Diane Sanfilippo: {laughs} I know. It’s so crazy when you’re internet friends for so long, and then you meet, and then it’s like hi!
Jen Sinkler: I know, but it confirms everything that you already know about this person.
Diane Sanfilippo: I know.
Jen Sinkler: This person is awesome. I have no doubt that we’re going to click instantly. I can’t wait.
Diane Sanfilippo: I’m totally the same. I’m really not that interesting or exciting in person, but if talk shop, then I’m good.
Jen Sinkler: You always say that, and I never believe you.
Diane Sanfilippo: {laughs} It’s really true. We do some kind of giveaways, and we ask people what they want, and they’re like, I want to hang out with you for the day, I’m like, you guys.
Jen Sinkler: {laughs}
Diane Sanfilippo: I really am not that interesting {laughs}. I basically eat and work all day, and then I go to the gym. It’s like, really not that exciting.
Jen Sinkler: But see, that sounds like a nice day to me.
Diane Sanfilippo: If it’s in San Francisco, it’s pretty awesome. {laughs}
Jen Sinkler: Yeah. You love San Francisco, don’t you?
Diane Sanfilippo: I do, and I love that a huge portion of my team spotted you at a coffee shop in San Jose.
Jen Sinkler: That was a magical moment. I loved it.
Diane Sanfilippo: I thought that was amazing. So if people have been following either or both of us on Instagram, I ran into a member of your team.
Jen Sinkler: {laughing} Yes!
Diane Sanfilippo: Here in New York at Hu Kitchen, and I’m like, I’m so glad that just happened {laughs} because it made me feel better after my team being like, I think that’s Jen Sinkler. Like, how can somebody think it’s you? You’re pretty identifiable. I guess if you had been in Minnesota at the time, it would have been the context was right, whatever.
Jen Sinkler: Right.
Diane Sanfilippo: But you probably had pink pants on, and your cute hair.
Jen Sinkler: I was dressed pretty brightly that day, per usual. And cardigan Mark knew you from a mile away, too. But he wouldn’t approach you, that’s why I had to text you to get you to approach him. Because he’s shy.
Diane Sanfilippo: I totally don’t, I don’t think he was wearing a cardigan? I don’t remember.
Jen Sinkler: I know, it’s hard to recognize him when he’s not wearing a cardigan.
Diane Sanfilippo: But I couldn’t tell how he recognized me. I was like, I don’t have, nothing about what I was wearing was interesting. I was like, maybe he heard my voice? I don’t know what it was.
Jen Sinkler: No, you’ve got the good hair, and the big smile.
Diane Sanfilippo: {laughs}
Jen Sinkler: And really perfect eyeliner.
Diane Sanfilippo: {laughing} That’s crazy. Ok, maybe it was that.
Jen Sinkler: I mean, yeah, come on. Oh, cardigan Mark just walked in. We’re talking about you!
Diane Sanfilippo: {laughing}
Jen Sinkler: {laughs} Ok.
Diane Sanfilippo: I’m not shy, so I was looking across. I was like, Mark! He didn’t turn his head, so I had to go up to him and tap him on the shoulder and take a selfie. Those are the days.
13. Liz’s tip of the week: Postpartum nutrition for healing and milk production [1:14:50]
Liz Wolfe: Hey everyone! Liz checking in with a Baby Making and Beyond tip of the week, here with my BMB partner Meg Reburn, Meg the midwife.
Meg Reburn: Hello!
Liz Wolfe: Hello! And last week we talked about avoiding a very common exercise pattern. Today’s tip is about foods for postpartum healing and milk production. This is totally Meg’s area of expertise. This is a big topic we tackle in BMB, and we’ll give a few key tips to you right now. Just remember, we’re not doctors, nor are we giving medical advice or offering diagnosis or treatment. This is just information that you can take to clear with your health care provider.
So, this is actually part of a question that came through the Balanced Bites podcast queue recently, and Meg and I thought it would be perfect for our tips. The question is from Alexis. “Hi ladies! Longtime listener, I love the new format. I’ll keep it short and sweet. I’m due with my first kiddo in March, and since the US has such an awesome maternity leave policy, I’ll have to get right back to work after 8 weeks if she comes naturally, or 10 weeks if I have to get a C-section. My question is, what foods are best to help promote postpartum healing and milk production? I hear a lot of horror stories about postpartum recovery, and I want to try and be as prepared as possible. Thanks so much.”
Meg Reburn: Man. I couldn’t imagine going back to work in 8 or 10 weeks.
Liz Wolfe: So, what’s it like, in Canada what do they let you do?
Meg Reburn: In Canada, in Canada we have usually a year. A year for postpartum mat leave.
Liz Wolfe: That’s beautiful.
Meg Reburn: It is a beautiful thing. We’re pretty blessed that way. But you know, if you have to get back to work right away, so things that can help with healing. First is managing your stress, that would be the number one thing. Don’t stress out about it, it will just happen if you create the space for it to happen. Foods that can help with postpartum healing; big ones are vitamin C, so vitamin C rich foods. So things like citrus, cauliflower, bell peppers, dark leafy greens, all that stuff. Turmeric taken as a fresh root, which is actually not too hard to track down. It’s a bright orange root; you just grate it up, and you can put it in soups, curries. I really like it grated and scrambled into eggs, it’s actually quite delicious that way.
Liz Wolfe: Probably adds some pretty color, too.
Meg Reburn: It does add pretty color. It will stain your fingers though.
Liz Wolfe: It looks a little bit like ginger root. It’s usually right by the ginger.
Meg Reburn: Yeah. It looks a lot like ginger until you cut into it.
Liz Wolfe: Yes.
Meg Reburn: And then it’s bright orange, and it’s beautiful.
Liz Wolfe: Yeah.
Meg Reburn: It actually goes really well with ginger, so if you happen to pick up some ginger while you’re there, even better. Bone broth would be one of the best things you could do for postpartum. I have had a lot of Chinese clients over the years who swear by chicken broth. It’s a traditional Chinese remedy for postpartum. You basically, yeah, just make bone broth and try to get it as gelatinous as possible. There’s lots of recipes out there. I’m sure you could give some tips as well, Liz, as to how to make good bone broth. But that’s a whole other can of sardines to open up.
Liz Wolfe: Yeah. {laughs}
Meg Reburn: {laughs} But basically, the animal protein aids in the tissue repair. Overall, sugar reduction also can aid in tissue regeneration and repair, so just kind of don’t go crazy with the birthday cake. Keep it to a minimum.
Liz Wolfe: Now that doesn’t mean low carb, right?
Meg Reburn: No, that doesn’t mean low carb, that just means sugar reduction. So natural sugars, lots of carbs are totally fine and will actually help your sleep and will help your milk production. But sugar, so I’m talking about your paleo treats, your paleo cakes and cupcakes. Which are fine to have when the baby comes in celebration, but really try to limit for good tissue repair.
And then things that can help with milk production, if you really want to ramp up your milk, you can take fenugreek capsules. We’ll have that in Baby Making and Beyond and how to take it and how much. Water, lots, and lots, and lots of water. You have to stay hydrated when you are breastfeeding. Most of the time, your thirst will take care of that. But if it doesn’t, just make sure you’re drinking tons.
And then finally, really easy to digest warm foods. So keeping in warmth, that’s another Chinese medicine trick, is to have warm foods. So cooked foods like fennel, carrot, beets, yams, again dark leafy greens, lots of fats, spirulina actually can help increase your milk supply, as well as having adequate carbohydrates. That’s another big thing. Don’t cut your carbs in an attempt to lose weight postpartum. Keep eating those good carbs from things like yams, and starchy squashes. Gluten free oats are also a traditional galactagogue, which means can help increase your milk production too, so if you chose to do that, that might help as well.
Liz Wolfe: What is this I’ve heard about beer being effective in increasing milk production?
Meg Reburn: {laughs}
Liz Wolfe: Is it the hops? What is it?
Meg Reburn: It’s the hops.
Liz Wolfe: Ah.
Meg Reburn: It’s the hops. Yeah, that’s a traditional Irish thing, they would just have Guinness, but it’s essentially the hops. It works kind of like the oats. If you’re going to do the oats, you want to make sure that they are well soaked, and yeah. If you want to do a beer, it’s a totally reasonable thing to do. We talk about alcohol consumption a lot in Baby Making and Beyond. We have a whole section for that.
Liz Wolfe: {laughs}
Meg Reburn: So you’ll learn how to do it safely. But yeah, if you want to have a beer, go for it. Have a beer. But not if you’re gluten intolerant, don’t have a beer then.
Liz Wolfe: {laughing}
Meg Reburn: Skip that, because that will just create stress.
Liz Wolfe: Oh man. I like it. And I have to read the rest of Alexis’ question, because I thought it was kind of funny. She says, “real talk, pregnancy can make you super gross. There are more fluids coming out of my body than I even know what to do with.” {laughs} “Plus I was graced with the ability to smell everything within a 10 mile radius of me. 12 weeks in, I flew from San Diego to D.C., and there was someone on my flight who was eating salami, and I almost lost my you know what. But then remembered I didn’t look pregnant yet, so I couldn’t get away with being super hormonal without repercussions. Super smell is the worst super power ever.” {laughs}
Meg Reburn: {laughs}
Liz Wolfe: “This whole miracle of life thing is for the birds, but I hear the payoff is totally worth it.” It’s totally worth it!
Meg Reburn: Yeah, they’re pretty cute.
Liz Wolfe: Alright, that’s it for our BMB tip of the week. Miss everybody! Head over to to sign up for the program alerts, and Meg and I will talk to you again next time.
Meg Reburn: Talk to you next week!
Diane Sanfilippo: That’s it for this week. You can find Jen at, you can get lots more details. Just grab the show notes for this episode. We’re in episode 182; hop over to, you can get the show notes for that. You can find my usual co-host, Liz, at You can find all kinds of goodies from me at Join our email lists for free goodies and updates you don’t find anywhere else on our website or on the podcast. And, while you’re on the internet, leave us a review in iTunes. Don’t forget to resubscribe in the next couple of weeks so you can stay updated when we switch the hosting. We’ll see you next week.
Jen Sinkler: Bye! Thanks again for having me!
Diane Sanfilippo: Bye!