This video basically taught me how to be a parent…and the good news is, this is pretty much how I parent my Paleo Pooch. (Wink.)
Don’t let the length of the video intimidate you. It’s a must-see/listen. Play it while you do something else, like apply henna to your hair or do handstand push-ups. (Guess which one a’ those I’M doing right now.)
Via the Ancestral Health Symposium: watch Peter Gray, Ph.D., presenting at the Ancestral Health Symposium 2012.

Balanced Bites Podcast #485: Best Bites: Weight Loss, Hormones, Functional Lab Testing & Health with Tina Haupert
Listen on Apple Listen on Spotify #485 Today we are excited to reshare one of our favorite episodes with the one and only, Tina Haupert!