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Episode #66: The 21-Day Sugar Detox – FAQs and questions answered!
UPCOMING EVENTS: The Balanced Bites Workshop with Diane & Liz!
Saturday, January 19, 2013 | Los Angeles, CA
9am-5pm at DogTown CrossFit
Click here to register.
Sunday, January 20, 2013 | San Diego, CA
9am-5pm at CrossFit Elysium
Click here to register.
NEW! Sunday, March 9, 2013 | Washington, DC
9am-5pm at CrossFit Metro Center
Click here to register.
Remember that all events are open to the public, you do not need to belong to the hosting gym to attend!
Opening chat:
Updates from Diane & Liz.
Intro to The 21-Day Sugar Detox [15:40]
1. Can I use vinegars like balsamic, apple cider, etc.? [18:00]
2. What can I substitute for my gum/mints? [21:42]
3. I’m super hungry – is this normal? What should I do? [26:00]
4. Is becoming extra cranky normal? [29:45]
5. Clarification of who is considered an “athlete” for modification of The 21-Day Sugar Detox standard Yes/No list. [32:10]
6. Why can we have a green apple or free-tipped banana but no berries (which have lower sugar content)? [35:15]
7. Can I participate in The 21-Day Sugar Detox on a vegetarian diet? [39:50]
8. Can I sweeten my coffee, and if so, with what? [43:32]
9. What if some of the foods on the “yes” list have sugar on the label (ex: cheese shows 1 g of sugar, bacon ect.)…is that ok? [50:00]
10. What can I do to keep from going ballistic on sweets on day 22?…again. [55:50]
The 21 Day Sugar Detox
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Thanks for listening!
Liz & Diane