On this episode of the Modern Farm Girls Podcast, we talk about Diana’s upcoming book, The Homegrown Paleo Cookbook, chicken breeds, and egg varieties.
- Diana & Liz catch up on instagram, widgets and roosters.
- The Homegrown Paleo Cookbook
- Pre order campaign
- Raffle for those who have pre- ordered The Homegrown Paleo Cookbook
- Pili nuts from Barefoot Provisions
- Potato starch
- Chickens
- Broody chickens
- Buff Orpington Chickens
- Chickens breeds
- Chicken, duck & goose eggs
- Creme Brulee
- Flame weeding
Mentioned in the podcast:
Murrary McMurrary Hatchery
Fresh Eggs Daily
My Pet Chicken
Submit questions here.
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Thanks for listening!
2 Responses
Loved the chicken podcast, big laugh out loud in the office.
You may enjoy this video from Rock Chix, the guys we buy our eggs from in Australia. Its pretty special; and a plus, the chickens know to go to the safety of their house at the end of the day…i.e. less deaths!
Thank you for putting these podcasts together! I enjoy listening to your stories and info, and it makes me feel not so alone in the world of raising natural, non-GMO, pasture-based food. My husband and I started our farm a little over a year ago…there has been a steep learning curve, but we’re figuring it out! Keep up the good work!