Balanced Bites Podcast Episode #217: Gretchen Rubin – Happy, Healthy Habits

Topics:  1. Updates from Diane [2:11] 2. Introducing our guest, Gretchen Rubin [3:13] 3. The Four Tendencies [7:42] 4. Exploring Diane’s tendency [16:14] 5. Using the knowledge of tendencies applied to nutritional changes [23:47] 6. Abstainers and Moderators [28:47] 7. Fundamentally changing your tedency [37.:7] 8. The Rebel tendency [41:02] 9. How to push ourselves […]

Balanced Bites Podcast Episode #216: All About Supplements & Superfoods (Part 1)

Topics: 1. What’s new for you from Diane & Liz [3:29] 2. A new thing that I’m into: drinking broth with roasted veggies [14:43] 3. Supplements and superfoods; what’s the difference [16:54] 4. Supplementing with digestive enzymes [20:28] 5. What about MTHFR? [26:08] 6. Best superfood combinations and nutrient competitions to avoid [31:13] 7. Omega-3 […]

Balanced Bites Podcast Episode #213: The Loving Diet (for autoimmunity) with Jessica Flanigan

Topics 1. Updates from Diane [1:54] 2. Introducing our guest, Jessica Flanigan [3:18] 3. Jessica’s take on the autoimmune protocol [12:02] 4. Practical tips for balancing self love with autoimmunity [22:20] 5. Elimination diets and history of disordered eating [28:48] 6. Dealing with the anger and rebellion of “cheating” [32:42] 7. Benefiting from your illness […]

Balanced Bites Podcast Episode #211: Non-Paleo Family, Prenatal Vitamins, Kombucha Stained Teeth, Adult Acne

Topics: 1. What’s new for you from Diane & Liz [2:03] 2. Something new that I’m into: [10:09] 3. Non-paleo friends and family [15:26] 4. Preconception planning and prenatal vitamin supplementation [29:20] 5. Kombucha stained teeth [40:18] 6. Adult acne issues [45:50] 7. #Treatyoself: The Date Lady chocolate sauce [53:54] [smart_track_player url=”″ title=”Podcast Episode #211: […]

Balanced Bites Podcast Episode #209: Women, Food and Desire with Alexandra Jamieson

Topics: 1.  What’s new for you from Diane [1:15] 2. Introducing our guest, Alexandra Jamieson [3:26] 3. Alex’s book release; Women, Food, and Desire [15:45] 4. The Perfect Storm [21:02] 5. Mindfulness and habits [25{12] 6. The four types of cravings [31:17] 7. Three craving/body types [40:37] 8. Final thoughts from Alex [49:45] [smart_track_player url=”″ […]

Balanced Bites Podcast Episode #208: BB Classic: Paleo 101, Part 2

Topics: 1.  [NEW] What’s new for you from Diane & Liz [3:22] 2.  [NEW] Something new that I’m into: Hike it Baby and a new carrier [6:54] 3.  What should I eat and macros [8:22] 4. Integration of Weston A. Price principles [21:04] 5. Superfoods and budgeting [27:54] 6. Breaking the rules and cheating [37:45] […]

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