Good Nutrition in 100 Words
The nutrition philosophy I live by can be summed up by “Nutrition in 100 Words,” which I created for Steve’s PaleoGoods. Steve’s PaleoGoods has generously allowed me to use this creation in my own work, and it has become the backbone of my community at Good Food for Bad Cooks. Steve is as passionate about real […]
Balanced Bites Podcast Episode #136: Gluten-free negativity, Botox, nutrition practice laws, and pesticide exposure.
Topics: 1. Updates from Diane [7:14] 2. Liz’s updates [10:35] 3. Considering Botox and fillers [13:30] 4. Responding to coworker’s negativity about gluten-free [20:09] 5. Ways to help minimize effects of pesticide exposure [28:11] 6. How to practice nutritional therapy in a state with restrictions [34:02] 7. Nutrition response testing [42:59] 8. When food […]