Mouth Money – 30 Days, Day 10
Wednesday, July 21, 2010 I have a new goal. One perfect dead-hang pull-up from full extension by the Honeymoon. No kip, no jump. I have just over 6 weeks to get it done. I think the fact that I was the poster gal for Crossfit Tribe’s Clean workout today (Yup, that’s me. Hot, I know) […]
Rump Roast
Our trip to Giunta’s Prime Shop at Reading Terminal Market yielded some excellent “booty.” Hah! Here’s a simple, easy Slow Cooker Rump Roast recipe. It provides enough meat for lunches and dinners all week long. Ingredients: One Rump Roast, trimmed of much excess fat (a layer of fat on one side is fine) Bacon fat […]