Modern Farm Girls Podcast 0017: Sustainability and ABZ

On this episode of the Modern Farm Girls Podcast, we talk about Sustainability and ABZ.

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  1. Hi Liz and Diana,
    I recently discovered your podcast and I was initially pulled in by the fact the you were both women involved in the farming community and were living in the direction I am aiming towards. I listened to a couple of your recent episodes and I knew instantly this was for me.
    I am 24 years old and for the past year I have been talking about owning a farm,hopefully in the not so distant future. I currently rent an apartment in Los Angeles and have struggled with growing tomatoes, tomatillos, strawberries, squash, onions and garlic. I google all day long,tips and tricks to help my thumb turn green but nothing seems to help.
    When you decided you wanted to farmstead, how did you start and what, if any, are some tips, resources, and pretty much anything you used to help you get to where you are today? I would so much appreciate anything you can pass along my way.
    Thanks so much in advance; You both are an absolute pleasure to listen to.

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