Episode #72: The Paleo Mom talks autoimmunity & Paleo!

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Episode #72: Sarah of ThePaleoMom.com talks Autoimmune & Paleo!

2:10 Routine for kids: planning around what’s natural for them.
6:36 All about ThePaleoMom.com, Sarah’s book on Autoimmune Paleo & The Paleo View podcast
1. [16:15] Can/should an Autoimmune protocol be used as a preventative? 
2. [29:40] Is my child at high risk based on family history? What to do?
3.  [36:30] Safe to follow an AI protocol while Pregnant? How does an autoimmune condition change during/after pregnancy and during breastfeeding?
4. [41:40] Teen with Scoliosis, will an AI Protocol help? 
5. [50:50] Have SIBO,SCD and Autoimmune, still scared to go starch free, help! 
6. [1:03:30] Help with painful Lichen Sclerosis 
7. [1:07:45] NSAIDS and the AI protocol 

The Kid President’s Pep Talk (something to make you happy!)
Pre order your copy of Sarah’s new book The Paleo Approach: Reverse Autoimmune Disease, Heal Your Body
Modifying Paleo for autoimmune conditions

The importance of fish in our diets
Should you worry about mercury in seafood?
Why everyone should eat organ meat
Why sun exposure is so important

Click here to download this episode as an MP3.
The episodes are currently available in iTunes, Stitcher & Blog Talk Radio.

1. & 2. Can an Autoimmune protocol be used as a preventative?

Meredith says,
Is it necessary or suggested to follow autoimmune protocol as a preventative measure? Autoimmunity runs in my family, specifically MS, and wanted to know which “Practical Paleo” guidelines to follow. For those of us seeking to prevent specific diseases, is it enough to adhere to a basic paleo lifestyle, or should we also be cautious of nightshades, eggs, and other foods restricted on an autoimmune version of the paleo diet? Thank you both so much for all you do; I look forward to hearing your suggestions!
eat a “mostly paleo” diet, where I keep only paleo foods in the kitchen at home, but I won’t stress too much over the oils or sometimes even grains when eating out. I do prepare the majority of my meals at home, eating out occasionally on weekends. Those meals at home consist of fish, eggs, vegetables, avocados (is it okay that I make “avocado” its own food group? It should be!), nuts, fruit, and grass-fed beef and organic poultry. I absolutely love the recipes in Practical Paleo and they’ve made paleo cooking something I look forward to.
My workouts vary, incorporating a mix of strength training (sometimes CrossFit), running (short distances), and yoga. I do my best to get at least 7 hours of sleep per night, which fluctuates in both directions based on my schedule.
My typical non-Paleo foods include occasional dairy once or twice per week (grass-fed butter, Greek yogurt, and sometimes cheese if dining out), rice in sushi (maybe once every two weeks), and maybe a once per week random item, often either when being cooked FOR at a restaurant or family meal, that may be either simply cooked in vegetable oil or at its worst, some sort of gluten-containing pasta. I try to avoid the latter, because it really makes me feel lousy after.
Michelle says,
My question is… does coming from a family with a lot of significant auto-immune diseases place a child at significantly higher risk for contracting an autoimmune disease?  If so, are there additional foods that should be restricted on a child’s diet (i.e., autoimmune protocol)?  How does this balance out when the child is currently physically healthy and older than most of the other “paleo kids” that I’ve read about (to me, it’s easier to convert your toddler to paleo when you’re in control of their food choices, and they’re not being bullied for bring carrots to kindergarten).  Elizabeth’s a little past the picture book stage!
I also meant to say that Elizabeth is signficiantly dyslexic.  I’ve read that some people consider dyslexia (particulary the GAPS people) to be derived from an improper Omega 3/Omega 6 ratio.  If so, I would love an explanation for why this ratio would have an impact on someone’s word decoding ability.  Have you ever heard of this?
I absolutely love your facebook posts on the 21-day sugar detox.  They are very inspiring and helpful.
I just can’t thank you (and all of the balanced bites crew) enough for all that you do!!

3. Safe to follow an AI protocol while Pregnant?

Jennifer says,
Hi! I just started following the AIP diet but found out I’m pregnant. Is it okay to try to stick to that or should I do regular Paleo to make sure I’m getting enough variety of nutrients.

4. Teen with Scoliosis, will an AI Protocol help?

Sylvie says,
Hi Diane and Liz, LOVE the podcast. You ladies are hilarious. Thank you!
I’ve been paleo for 6 months and have been transitioning my husband and kids for the last 3 or so months with great success. My 13 year old has severe scoliosis that is only getting worse (she’s at 52 degrees at the moment). I’m working with a great doc in Wisconsin now to try to reverse this without resulting to the knife. Just wondering from a nutritional standpoint what should I supplement her diet with to support this process internally as well? I’m trying to sneak in bone broth into everything she eats and she begrudgingly is taking the fermented cod liver oil you guys rave about.
While her scoliosis has been diagnosed as idiopathic, I can’t help but think there’s an autoimmune component to it. Should I try putting her on the AI Protocol? I did a metametrix test for cross reactive grains and the only think that popped up is Casein. She wasn’t even reactive to gluten and this was before it was removed from her diet.
She does cantilever scoliosis exercises 5 times a day 20 minutes each. Drinks lots of water. Is a picky eater but we’re working on it. She just started menses a month ago. She sleeps 10 hours a day and is homeschooled.
Thanks so much

5. Have SIBO, SCD and Autoimmune, still scared to go starch free, help!

Ali asks,
I love your site and the podcast, and all of the wonderful info you provide. Quick question for you- I just got the definitive diagnosis for SIBO on Friday, and I am super frustrated since I already do a combo of SCD/autoimmune paleo (I have celiac, hashimotos, and colitis too) and I still am in pain all of the time. I get scared to go totally starch free, because that exacerbates the constipation that I already deal with. I drink lots of bone broth, take CLO butter blend (green pastures) and follow low FODMAPS. I still am reluctant to giving up butternut and other squashes as a source of my carbs, but know that my gut is still super funky. My GI doc has been having me take Lactulose as a medication to help with the constipation, but now I am worried to take it because it is a pure sugar and I don’t know if it is building more gut bacteria. Ideas? Should I sadly rid myself of my squash addiction? I am a health coach and therapist who helps people with autoimmune issues and GI problems and I am jealous that everyone else is feeling so great!
Thanks for the amazing work you do!

6. Help with painful Lichen Sclerosis

L.D. says,
Lichen Sclerosis – are you familiar with it? Autoimmune disorder affecting mainly menopausal women, but can occur in men and children. It manifests in genital area with white patches that burn and itch intensely and cause fissures. Stress and anger exacerbate condition. I was diagnosed with it 6 years ago. I went on Paleo diet two weeks ago, and felt a little better after that with some healing. Two days ago, I had one of the worst flare ups yet. Any ideas as to why? Corticosteroids are MDs basic method of treatment, but “no cure” available. I’ve avoided the western medicine approach, but am now desperate and re-thinking. Sometimes acupuncture calms it down. Do you think this might be a “healing crisis?”Please help — I’m sure you can imagine how painful and uncomfortable it is, yet alone the depression and anguish it causes.

7. NSAIDS and the AI protocol

I have just started the autoimmnue protocol of the paleo diet. I’m on day 4… I have suffered from chronic RA for 12 years now…and coming to the end of the long list of drugs to try and manage it. I am aware that NSAIDS are bad for leaky gut, as is birth control, both of which I use. But the NSAIDS I have to take right now with my biological infusion once a month – plus prednisone – because I cannot take methotrxate anymore due to huge hair loss. So my question is two part: what does one do to heal one self with this situation – if i cannot be without the NSAIDS – and I have heard that colostrum tablets or powder is excellent for healing the lining of the gut… but doesn’t this contain milk? And am I allowed to take this on this protocol?

Thanks for listening!
Liz & Diane

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One Response

  1. Hi ladies,
    GREAT podcast. Thank you so much for all that you do. My mother suffers from RA, both her hips replaced by age 50, and now she is doing Paleo with low FODMAP and no nightshades and feeling amazing. It’s been 4 months and she is off of the scary medication and all. Hooray!
    I have a quick question about FODMAPs. I know that consuming prebiotics is encouraged to help heal the gut. I just purchased my own kefir grains and am starting to culture my own kefir for myself and my mom. I know that dairy is not recommended when doing low FODMAPs, so I looked into doing coconut milk kefir instead. Then I learned that coconut milk is discouraged as well. What is the better option with making your own Kefir but also pursuing a low FODMAP diet? Goats milk? Raw dairy kefir? Or is coconut milk okay in moderation? Can’t wait to hear your advice!

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