Podcast Episode #102: Candida, Paleo “bread”, nightly pee breaks & FODMAPS

Remember – If you’re enjoying these podcasts, please leave us a review in iTunes. Thanks! Click here to view the liposomal vitamin C Liz talks about in the podcast. Topics: 1. Do anchovies have the same health benefits as sardines? [20:11] 2. Struggling with postpartum weight loss [23:23] 3. Are middle-of-the-night bathroom breaks such a […]

Easy Ginger Cilantro Slaw

When I make something that tastes as good as this ginger cilantro slaw, I imagine the clouds parting as the sun shines on my face while Jake Ryan my husband waves at me from across the street because he wants to give me a ride in his red Porsche with his cuffed pants and ohhhh […]

3 Natural Deodorant Pitfalls

Today I thought I’d talk about a few of the natural deodorant “pitfalls” (see what I did there?) I’ve picked up on since I started my crunchy, hippie, surprisingly NOT stinky natural skin care journey. I’ve had some people express frustration with using the “natural” stuff. But there’s no need to feel pit-iful (hah! again!) because […]

Podcast Episode #101: Cholesterol Clarity with Jimmy Moore

Remember – If you’re enjoying these podcasts, please leave us a review in iTunes. Thanks! Topics: 1. Welcome, Jimmy Moore! [3:23] 2. The Sally Fallon issue and keeping an open mind [5:38] 3. Jimmy’s new book, Cholesterol Clarity [12:44] 4. Busting myths:  Does fat or cholesterol in our diet raise the level of cholesterol in […]

I choose butter. (You’d butter believe it.)

Part of the reason I wrote my book, Eat the Yolks, is to provide a one-stop-shop for nutrition myth-busting. How many of us have gotten questions like… Doesn’t all that animal protein cause cancer? Don’t I need whole grains? …when we explain to folks how we’re eating? And then there’s my personal favorite: Isn’t saturated fat bad […]

Thinking of using henna? Read this first.

I’ve been coloring my hair with Henna for a long time now. It’s one of the topics about which I get the MOST questions! That’s why I wrote about it for Skincare Saturday. I know what I know, but there are other amazing resources out there for the henna-curious. Check out the post for more! But […]

Balanced Bites Podcast Episode #100: ask us (almost) anything!

Remember – If you’re enjoying these podcasts, please leave us a review in iTunes. Thanks! Topics: 1. Active rest activities [10:29] 2. Finding a likeminded partner [12:19] 3. Movies [16:00] 4. Cave babies? [18:04] 5. Diane’s romantic life [19:20] 6. How scary is homesteading? [21:30] 7. Tick update & why Diane doesn’t want to live […]

Pictures of Chickens…and musings on Chicken Crack.

We have 18 chickens. They’re just now turning 8 weeks old, and they just got to go outside for the first time. I feel like the parent of a teenager with a freshly-minted driver’s license. Every time they hop into the grass from their cozy coop, I feel like saying “be careful! Watch out! Don’t […]

Podcast Episode #99: Non-Paleo Loved Ones, HIV, Footwear, and Blog Etiquette

Remember – If you’re enjoying these podcasts, please leave us a review in iTunes. Thanks! Opening Discussion Topic: Friends/family who sabotage or are unsupportive of those who are trying hard to make healthy changes. Topics: 1. Diane’s Rant of the Week: Unsupportive Loved Ones & Whether to Argue or Walk Away [10:48] 2. Losing weight and I don’t […]

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